Chapter 16 - Maybe

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A/N: Surprise! I said last night that I wouldn't have time to upload tonight buuut I managed to make time for you guys <3

Also... holy smokes we're at almost 4k reads. Thank you so much for your support. :')

Anyways, it's time to shift gears and start progressing. It's Chishiya's time to shine this chapter.

Karma's POV

"Goodnight, Chishiya."

He exits my room, leaving me alone in silence.

Why is my heart pounding?

I take a breath and notice that he left the letter on my bed, which was supposedly his failed 'parting' letter.

When I grab and open it, I have mixed feelings.


I have decided to replace you and will no longer be using you for my plan. I don't want to risk you or your life. Joining me in my pursuit will do so.

Rule #3


I stare at the letter for a bit, pondering exactly what he means by 'risking my life'.

He plans to betray The Beach.

I wonder what part I play in this and how he intends to accomplish it.

An unsatisfying yawn escapes my mouth and I lay my head on the pillow, too lazy to turn off the lights.

I'll just worry about it tomorrow.

Chishiya's POV

That girl is too stubborn. She doesn't realize that I was trying to save her life.

I shove my hands in my pockets and notice that the letter is missing. I left the letter in her room and knowing her, she probably already read it.

Irresponsible of me.

I'm also almost out of bandage wrap, which is also irresponsible of me. I'll have to find more, then. Maybe I can request a looting trip or just go alone.

I make my way to my suite and encounter Ronan, who's leaning on my door. He's holding a half-full bottle of alcohol.

His jaw is clenched and he's looking at the ground. When he notices my presence, his eyes shoot up to look at me.

He's trying too hard to be intimidating.

"Yes?" I ask, crossing my arms. I should mess with him.

He doesn't say anything, just stares at me like he's lagging or something.

I hold my hand up and wave it in front of me.

"Hello? Anyone in there?" I tease, slightly smiling.

I know he didn't come here to just stare at me.

Maybe he did and he's dumber than I thought.

"Alright well if you have nothing to say, I'll be going to bed."

I move to grab the door knob from behind him and he moves out of the way, except he grabs my bicep right as I'm about to enter my room. He reeks of alcohol.

I shoot him a glance, trying to make him feel as little and insecure as possible.

Don't you realize how embarrassing you look?

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