How to Flirt [Norton x Aesop]

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College AU


"Eli, I think I'm in love."

Norton pulled this out as he gazed at a silver-haired man who was almost out of sight already from their table at the coffee shop. His best friend sitting across him only staring at his dumb love-struck face in disbelief.

"What, just like that?"

"Is this what they call love at first sight...?" the man pondered.

"No- Wait-! Are you for real-?"

"What are you talking about Clark, I'm more than serious."

Eli looked at him with disgust as he sipped his drink.

"Norton, he just greeted us."

"I can't believe you didn't present him to me earlier!"

"I thought you preferred to have fun with women." the brown-haired man answered him nonchalantly.

"He has nothing to do with them! You can't compare an angel to mere humans...!"

"Well... I'm not sure about the angel part but I guess he is good-looking."

"You're friends, right? Tell me more about him-!"

It was the first time in a while that Eli had seen Norton in such a state. Usually, he would have a fake smile plastered on his face as he tries to fit in the crowd but right now, his interest towards his friend seemed genuine. Seeing his resolve, the blue-eyed one could only sigh and abide to help the pitiful man.

"His name is Aesop Carl, he's a literature major. As far as I know, he's single..."


Hearing that, Norton stood up from his chair confidently, slamming the table with his hands.

"Norton-? Where are you going-?"

"Chasing him, of course."

"I didn't finish though-! Are you sure you don't want to know more first?!" asked Eli more in panic than the concerned one.

"Don't worry, I got this."

Eli really doubted that he did but Norton was already gone before he could try to retain him. Now the last thing to do was pray for his success... Which was fated to be doomed before it even started, he thought. Aesop was quite the difficult one to approach, one wrong step and Norton would instead get blacklisted by the man.

In the meantime, the raven-haired man had followed his crush to the university's library. He scanned the aisles before gasping faintly as he caught the sight of a gray head.

His heart was beating like crazy, as if it was about to burst out of his chest. He never felt nervous like that before which was unbelievable to him. It wasn't the first time he would be hitting on someone but it was definitely the first time it would be serious and that changed everything.

He inhaled deeply to regain his composure a bit before walking up to the man who was searching for some books. Aesop felt his presence immediately and turned to him, which was a bit surprising but Norton tried to shake it off and play it cool.

"Hi-, Aesop, right?"

"You're Eli's friend..."

"Indeed, I'm Norton Campbell, nice to meet you!" he answered with a bright smile, though he had hoped Aesop would remember him in another way than just the friend of a friend but that was probably impossible since he didn't present himself beforehand.

"Mhm... Do you need anything from me perhaps?"

"Oh- Huh- No- I mean yes-" Aesop raised a brow in confusion and Norton really wanted to go cry to Eli. "I mean... Hum... Could I get your number...?" he finally asked.

"My... Number...?"

"If you're free sometime then maybe you would accept a date with me...- Ah but if you're uncomfortable with it just forget what I said-!"

He scratched the back of his neck and stepped back a bit awkwardly. He really messed up badly. A flirtatious man? Who the hell called him that-! That was probably the shittiest way to ask someone out, not to add the fact he followed him there through the campus was creepy too.

There was a long silence for a moment and Norton felt like spears were piercing him on all sides before Aesop let out a soft chuckle.

"Sure, if it's only that."

"Wait- Really-?"

"Yeah, unless you don't want it anymore?" asked Aesop with a smirk.


"Give me your phone."


Norton took out his phone asap and gave it to the man who typed his contact into the device before handing it back.

"I don't really check my phone when I'm at uni but feel free to text me when classes are over."

"Thank you-! And I will!"

Norton was blushing hard due to Aesop's smile, his voice, his perfume... He thanked him one last time before leaving so he wouldn't notice it, he had taken enough of his time.

When he came back to where he dumped Eli, no need to say the latter was flabbergasted to hear it went well. 

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