Dark & Light [Melly x Emma]

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Datura x Emergence


There was only one door between them. It was large and imposing, dominating the place with its sinister stature despite the weeds and brambles burying half of it. It was almost as though one were about to walk through the gates of Hell. Teeth gritted and fists clenched on her skirt, the young woman turned the handle and entered. It was dark and there was the smell of moss floating in the air, accompanied by a sweet perfume. This strange mixture was like top-quality bait.

"Datura..." she muttered.

A faint laugh echoed in the shadows as she moved forward, slowly, step by step, until the laughter was just within reach. And there she was, engulfed on all sides among her own roots and foliage.

"Ha ha... How strange... To see you in this place... The very emergence of light has come to purge me." Datura weakly raised her eyelids towards the one standing opposite. Unlike her, her aura seemed to come from somewhere far away, from lands she could never reach, undesirably radiant and healing. "Emma, come here..."

Datura held out her hand towards her, her arm extended as far as the time left to her.

She was dying.

Emma dropped all facade and threw herself at her feet, paying no attention to the mud that stained her satin dress or her hat, which ended up crushed on the marshy ground. She grabbed Datura's frail hand and brushed her fingers over her pale face.

"Datura-...!" she breathed out desperately between sobs, "Hold on- I-"

Datura suddenly silenced her by pressing her index and middle fingers against her lips, as if to convey what she couldn't give her directly.

"You always were a crybaby, Emma." she chuckled in a whisper, "But how can I let you when I know that my very existence is poison to you?"

"Don't say that- I can endure it- Then I'm sure I can find a way..."

"It will already be too late... Just promise me... Not to forget me..." her gaze became more vague, "As much as I don't wish to hurt you with my physical shell, I hope you won't mind me being so selfish and leaving a trace of me in your heart."

"Datura- Datura, Datura..."

Her cries echoed in the heavy silence, the only evidence of life in these premises.

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