Her Highness [Qi Shiyi x Tang Si]

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Historical AU


"Tang Si, right."

"Yes, your highness."

The girl bowed deeper. She would have fallen over, had she bent down further, but the countless days spent on her harsh training to become the perfect lady to serve the emperor would not have permitted her. Her life was on the line as much as her face was away from the ground.

"We heard a lot about you. Your father has helped us quite a few times and we hope you will continue his legacy."

"This is too much honor for me, your highness."

The emperor laughed. His voice sounded clearer than she expected but it was not enough to hide the strength his power held on the people. It reminded Tang Si of those legends recalling the glorious majesty of the dragons.

"Your humbleness is quite appreciated but we wish that you will keep your chin up. As a servant close to the emperor, you must show that you are worthy of such dignity."

"I'll be sure to remember that."


The young woman's cheeks turned rosy, but fortunately the emperor retreated to his quarters at the same moment, saving her from possible embarrassment. Nevertheless, as nervous as she was, her heart couldn't help but race at the thought of fulfilling her dream. Tang Si remembered how, when she couldn't even read, her father, who had been a high court official when he was still alive, had taken her to the palace for the curious reason of getting her used to the place for when she would be living here.

That day, Tang Si caught a glimpse of a fūrén delivering an important missive to the emperor. Her posture was perfect, as was her speech, although she was too young to understand the contents. No man stared at her for being a woman working as a court official; on the contrary, they all seemed to look at her with the utmost respect.

This woman whose name Tang Si didn't know remained engraved in her memory and thus became her role model for the years that followed, right up to the present day. Her father was initially a little disappointed that his daughter didn't wish to follow the same path as most other young noblewomen by joining the emperor's harem, but he eventually resigned himself after Tang Si valiantly argued that becoming a civil servant might require more work, but it assured a more stable position than a concubine.

Tang Si's efforts paid off. Her hard work and diligence soon saw her rise through the ranks to one of the highest positions.

This was Tang Si's first meeting with the emperor.

And the second was late to arrive.

It had already been three months since Tang Si had started working directly for the emperor, but the only thing she'd been made to do so far was more like an errand boy's job. She thought she could advise the emperor, but she found herself running back and forth between the various official departments. Honestly, she could have been satisfied with that if the emperor didn't even deign to show her his face on top of it all! Who'd have thought the ghost emperor rumors were true. Tang Si had found it odd that he had hidden behind a curtain when they first met, but now she was more offended that he remained confined to his quarters. 

"Lady Tang Si, the emperor has summoned you."

At last- The moment she'd been waiting for had arrived. Her stomach contorted under the pressure as she walked toward the emperor's quarters. She couldn't deny that this was all very strange: what kind of superior waits three months to see his subordinates? For all she knew, there might be a reality in which the emperor's call was in fact a trap to get rid of her, of someone who wanted to blame her for their crimes- maybe Tang Si was getting a little carried away. She hadn't even noticed that she'd already arrived at her destination.

A guard announced her and told her to move further into the suite before withdrawing. This was getting increasingly strange, was there no one to guard the emperor? Tang Si nonetheless approached where she could hear the sound of a flute being played. Another curtain blocked her path, however, separating the rest of the room from the balcony, from which a silhouette could be distinguished.

"You called for me?"

The music ended.

"There you are, Tang Si." A faint laugh echoed. "We've been watching you a lot lately for three full moons. You always seem to have done your duty promptly, and never once has it occurred to you to look at the contents of the missives."

"That would be inappropriate of me, your Majesty-!"

"You're right, but we must congratulate you all the same for not yielding to temptation. In the age in which we live, the presence of a traitor may be on the same balcony as you." Tang Si froze. "Do you know how to keep secrets?"

"I- I'll take them to my grave if you ask me to." she replied fervently, with a bow.

"Come over here and pour me another cup of tea, then."

Tang Si straightened up and moved cautiously to the other side of the curtain. But she stopped abruptly when her gaze met the emperor's face. True to the name Bai, which meant purity, reflected in pale jade-colored silk with elaborate embroidery and other golden details, not an emperor, but an empress stood before Tang Si. Her eyes were as fierce as a dragon's, despite the heavenly smile sewn onto her peachy lips.

"Are you that surprised?"

Tang Si suddenly realized the situation she was in and immediately knelt at the Empress's feet in panic.

"Forgive me-"

"Now, now. Get up, dear. I asked you to come and pour me a cup of tea, not to burden me with such formalities."

Tang Si didn't move for a few seconds before giving in. Emperor or empress, it mattered little to be fair. She had sworn to be faithful to the face of the nation from the day she entered the court. So the young woman rose to her feet, meeting the empress's gaze once more, only this time she was able to concentrate more on her features. The empress's beauty was as breathtaking as she had imagined. It was like admiring a painting of the high mountains and waterfalls in these remote parts of the capital.

Her hands were trembling, but she still managed to serve the empress. The latter examined the cup in which the honeyed liquid glistened under the sun's rays before bringing it to her lips.

"This tea is quite exquisite, and I hope that the ones you pour for me in the future will be no less than your loyalty to the throne."

Tang Si nodded, her cheeks rosy, but for a different reason than last time. Her heart was beating just as fast, but the sensation wasn't the same, it was lighter, like the first spring breeze carrying with it the fragrance of plum blossoms just budding.

This journey to the Empress's side was unexpected, to say the least, but Tang Si's faith had never wavered, and was only the stronger for it.

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