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Previously on Pure Happiness

"It's very peculiar," he smirked.

"What aren't you telling me?" She narrowed her eyes.

"It'll all make sense eventually."


After the pageant, Beth could not stop racking her brain over the situation with Elena and the way Klaus had seemed so interested in the way she had been acting with Damon. She had joined Caroline and Stefan at the Forbes residence that night. The older vampire refused to sleep at home because Elena was there. He poured himself and Caroline a drink and offered one to Beth, who shook her head.

"How are you feeling?" Beth asked, but as the words left her mouth, the question felt stupid.

Stefan huffed before he spoke, "Elena's right. I just-I need to let go."

"No, you're right, Stefan. It's not pretty, and it's not easy, but you can't give up on her," the blonde stated.

"Caroline, she looked me in the eye, and she told me to move on."

"Maybe you should, Stefan. Before you yell at me, Care. This isn't good for him. You should have someone who has no doubts about you."

"No! She's just lost. Okay, you and her, epic. Her and Damon, ugh, God. There's something wrong with her. Just promise me you won't stop looking for the cure."

"Klaus won't let me even if I wanted to," he said before he downed his drink and poured another.

"Why does he care? I'm sure he doesn't want it."

"He wants to keep Elena human so that he can make more hybrids," Stefan answered.

"He's gonna need them. Tyler's almost got all of them unsired," Caroline huffed as she leaned back into her seat.

Beth's eyes grew wide, and her mouth gaped open before she said, "That's it."

"What?" The two vampires looked at her with confusion.

"Klaus asked me about Elena's behavior change, and I knew he wasn't telling me something. He said it would make sense eventually. Now it does."

"What are you talking about?" Stefan questioned.

"The sire bond."

The two vampires looked at eachother in shock for a moment unsure of what to say but Caroline seemed to be putting everything together in her head before she finally spoke.

"Oh my god. You're right. Think about it. Every time Elena's had a problem, Damon's been the magic solution," Caroline declared as she understood her friend's discovery. "Today, Elena was worried about Jeremy. Who swoops in and tells her to relax? Damon. And she listens."

"When Elena first transitioned, she tried everything but could only take blood from the vein," said Beth.

"And who told her that?" Caroline asked.

"Damon," Stefan breathed out.

"She couldn't keep down animal blood or even blood bags. We tried to blame it on her doppelganger blood, but that doesn't make sense. It would have happened to Katherine, too."

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