There's a rumour going around town. People are scared for their lives. It's made clear that there is a murderer in town. However, there's this one boy who they all blame. Just because his father has once killed somebody. Is it right of them to suspect him right away?

Ethan doesn't think so.
So here he is, trying to figure out who the real murderer was. He just can't believe a boy of 17 would do that. And just to prove his point, he is now searching on the web for anything he can find.

After an hour and a half. He gives up and comes down to one conclusion: he has to befriend the boy. Whether to find out he did it or someone else.
He groans internally and rubs his back. It has started to ache. And he has quite an absurd posture so that wasn't a good sign.

He closes his laptop and switches off the light. He walks to his bed and lays down. He sighs and turns to face the room. He really was desperate to prove people wrong.
He didn't even know why.

He guessed that was just because he wanted to look smart in front of people. He smiled softly to himself as he falls asleep.

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