Ethan wakes up. He breathes in and smells Aiden's cologne. He looks around. He looks at Aiden. He suddenly realizes he is literally pressed up against Aiden.
He quickly turns to the corner of his bed and grabs his phone.

It was early in the morning. He had 1 hour left to get ready for school. But he will never spend that on getting ready. He sighs and turns around. He looks at Aiden. "Wake up." He says.

Aiden opens his eyes quickly. "I was awake" he says. "Very convincing" Ethan says. Aiden chuckles and leans on his elbow to look at Ethan. "I was scared you would kick me off the bed so I kinda became one with the wall" he says.

Ethan scoffs. "Amazing and all, but we have one hour to get ready for school. Now less actually." He says. Aiden groans and rolls onto his stomach. "You kinda smell nice" aiden says.

Ethan looks at Aiden. "Uhm thanks?"
Aiden smiles. "When given a compliment it's more common to smile awkwardly and nod" he says. Ethan grins and gets up.

"Sharing knowledge I see" he says as he gathers some clothes together. "Yes, I am actually getting smart" aiden says.
Ethan grins. "In studying people?" He asks. Aiden grins. "Yeah especially you" he says.

Ethan raises his eyebrows. "Me?" He asks
Aiden smirks and gets up too. "Nevermind" he says and sits back on the bed. Ethan scoffs and throws clothes at his head. "Wear these" he says.

Aiden looks at them. "Wow okay thanks" he says as he pulls off his shirt. Ethan grins. "Yeah, they are obviously good" he says as he puts on pants.

Aiden puts on the shirt. "Oh god it smells like you" he says and fake retches. Ethan shrugs. "Maybe 'cause I've worn them?" He asks as if it were that easy.

"Well that makes sense" aiden says as he puts on pants. Ethan grabs his glasses and puts them on, careful not to poke in his eyes. He fixes his hair and looks in the mirror.

"Wow what a beautiful face I'm staring at" he says dramatically. Aiden looks at him and his pupils expand. "Wow, very" he says as he fixes his sleeve. Ethan chuckles. "I'm gonna brush my teeth" he says and walks out of the room.

Aiden scoffs and looks in the mirror. "Wow" he says and walks out of the room after ethan.

"Helllooo" he says dramatically as he walks into the bathroom. "I ca tak" (I can't talk but with toothbrush) ethan says. Aiden frowns "excuse you?"
Ethan rolls with his eyes and looks in the mirror.

"I ook so ice toay" (I look so nice today) ethan says and sighs. Aiden crosses his arms. "I can't understand the shit you're saying, idiot."

Ethan empties his mouth and looks at Aiden. "I look fucking good today" he says. Aiden grins. "What demon told you that?" He asks. Ethan scoffs. "Yours?"

Aiden smirks. "Damn right it did" he says and leans against the door frame. Ethan looks at him. "Brush your teeth" he says. Aiden raises his eyebrows. "With? I don't have my toothbrush here" he says.

Ethan sighs and searches for a spare one. He finds one and hands it to Aiden. "Use this one" he says. Aiden nods and grins. "Whatever you want" he says.

Ethan rolls with his eyes and cleans his face. Aiden starts brushing his teeth while fixing his hair with one hand. "Go I loo go accactive" (god I look so attractive) he moans. Ethan scoffs. "No you don't" he says.

Aiden rolls with his eyes. "I goo" (i do) he snaps and empties his mouth.
He crosses his arms. "I'm done" he says. Ethan nods slowly and exits the bathroom.

He grabs his bag and runs down the stairs. Aiden quickly follows after him. "I dont have my bag" he cries. Ethan stops walking and Aiden almost bumps into his back. "Shit" he mumbles. Aiden groans and puts his hand on Ethan's shoulder for support.

"Just use my stuff then" ethan says and continues putting on his shoes. Aiden grins and puts on his shoes. "Do you think Evelyn made it home last night?" He asks. Ethan looks up. "I don't really care to be honest but I think she did" he says and continues tying his laces.

Aiden gets up and looks down at Ethan. "I think she went the same way as us" he says. Ethan looks up at him and blinks. "Explain to me why" he says and stands up. Aiden shrugs. "Cause that's most likely, I mean, there was no other way besides the scary way through the dark alley and the way to the screams" he says.

Ethan grins. "Pretty interesting story you got there, but I don't think she went with us" he says. Aiden chuckles. "Let's just go to school now, okay?" He says and pats Ethan's back.

"I promised Grace to pick her up. So you can go ahead" ethan says. Aiden nods quickly and grabs his keys. "See you later" he says swiftly and waves a quick goodbye.
Ethan grins while the door closed behind Aiden.

He quickly grabs his keys and slips on a jacket. He almost kicks open the door in hurry and shouts a quick;'Bye!' He turns the keys in the lock while locking the door behind him. He unlocks his bike and steps on it. He sighs and starts pushing his legs forward.

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