They arrive at his house. "Oh my god" someone exclaims. Its his father. He groans and looks at Aiden. Aiden looks scared for his life as he looks at the man running up to the car.

Ethan grins and looks at his dad running. He yanks open the door and his dad crashes into it. He shrieks and lands on the ground. Ethan looks at him. "I think that hurt" he says and opens the door for Aiden.

Aiden steps out of the car and grabs his bag. Ethan smiles at him and closes the door. His brother smirks at them and helps his father up. They walk to the front door.

Ethan grins and closes the door behind them, leaving his brother and his father outside. They walk up the stairs to his room.

Ethan closes the door behind them and sits down dramatically on his bed. Aiden takes place at his desk. Spinning around to face ethan. "So... it was obvious that you were being threatened by something, tell me" ethan says.

Aiden crosses his arms. "I remember telling you I'm not interested" he says. Ethan rolls with his eyes. ",But I saved you from whatever it was, right?" He says. Aiden shrugs. "Probably" he says.

"Why are you so secretive about this" Ethan whines. Aiden looks at him. "How did you find my address?" He asks. Ethan nods to his laptop. "School site thingy, I just logged in with the school email and, I found it" he says simply.

Aiden blinks. "Why do they keep all that on an unprotected site" He asks. Ethan shrugs. "Now, come on, I need to pick out movies" he says and walks to his desk. Aiden looks at him.
(In love(?).)

Ethan grabs his laptop and stands next to Aiden. "What kind of movies do you like?" He asks, scrolling through movies.
Aiden grins. "What do you think?" He asks.

"You'd be a type to search for romance in a horror movie" ethan says. Aiden rolls with his eyes. "Why do you think that?" He asks. Ethan shrugs. "I don't know, what do you like then?" He asks.

Aiden rubs his neck. "I don't specifically like something" he says, his ears turning red. Ethan grins and turns back to the screen. "We should watch 'finding nemo'." he says. Aiden looks at him. "Why?" He asks.

Ethan grins. "I want to see if you cry during Nemo, if you dont, you are definitely a psycho" he says. Aiden rolls with his eyes. "It almost sounds like you want me to be a psycho" he says.

Ethan grins. "God, if you were one, you'd killed me by now" he says. Aiden chuckles. "Let's watch a cheesy romance movie again. They are funny" ethan says. Aiden groans. "Why? You fell asleep last time" he says.

Ethan shrugs. "As if I care" he says and pushes up his glasses. Aiden rolls with his eyes. "Let's watch peppa pig as well, I get nightmares from that so be aware of me pissing my pants" ethan says.

Aiden smiles. "I thought you liked ben and holly more" he says. Ethan grins mischievously. "Holly can put her small lolly in my-" Ethan begins. aiden clears his throat.

Ethan grins. "Sorry" he says. Aiden rolls with his eyes. Ethan pushes up his glasses again. "Let's watch porn," he begins again. Aiden pushes him gently. "No."

Ethan drops his shoulders in disappointment. "I never seen it before" he says. Aiden grimaces. "Keep it like that then" he says.

Ethan turns his head towards him. "Why? Have you watched it?" He asks. Aiden elbows him softly. "Ah, shut up and search for a damn movie" he says.

"Do you smoke?" Ethan asks. Aiden looks at him. "What?" "Do you smoke? Your house reeks of cigarettes, disgusting by the way" ethan says. Aiden grins. "I don't smoke" he says.

Ethan crosses his arms. "Let's watch the bee movie" he says

Aiden grins. "Why not happy feet instead? Lil' penguin bitches hoppin' around" he says. Ethan gasps. "They're not penguin bitches" he says dramatically, as if Aiden said something truly hurtful to him.

"Let's watch love alarm, I heard bad things about it but I don't see bad things about it" Ethan says after a while. Aiden shrugs. "Whatever you want" he says, suppressing a yawn.

his father calls them downstairs to eat. Ethan grins and pulls Aiden with him downstairs.

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