Draw me like one of your french girls.

Wearing this. Only this.

Aiden and ethan look at each other at the same time. Ethan snickers and buries his head between his arms. Aiden chuckles and looks away.

They are laying on their stomach on Ethan's bed, watching the titanic.
Ethan is still shocked Aiden didnt cry during nemo. 'You heartless man' is what he had exclaimed.

"Why is he drawing her naked" ethan asks. Aiden smirks. "Cause he's hor-" he begins. Ethan shoves him. "No" he says. Aiden grins.

"Be nice, ethan" he says in a mocking tone. Ethan rolls with his eyes. "I don't want to. Now keep your eyes on the screen because I'm gonna change real quick" he says.

Aiden nods and looks at the screen again. So romantic, drowning with someone you love.
Ethan steps out of his bed and walks over to his chair. He grabs a shirt from the floor and puts it on. He scans around the room for pants.

He finds them near his bed and grabs them. He pulls them up and sits down on the bed again.
Aiden looks at him. "That took you long enough" he says. Ethan rolls with his eyes and lays down on his stomach, next to Aiden, their sides touching.

Ethan yawns. The movie has ended and he's laying on his back. He has the small suspicion that Aiden's asleep, according to his breathing pattern.
Aiden has his arms crossed, laying on his stomach with his head in his arms.

Ethan smiles. It was uncomfortably comfortable, laying like that. Ethan turns to lay on his stomach and closes the laptop. He stands up and grabs the laptop. He puts it on his desk.

He looks at the laptop. He then looks at Aiden. He quickly sits down at his desk and opens his laptop again. He types in; murder case 2022 december 19th'

•The 'casey case'

A girl named Casey was found dead in her bedroom on a monday morning.

She was found with a knife in her abdomen.

People believe this is related to....

Ethan yawns and closes his laptop. He'll read it later. He walks to his bed and gets in. He turns his back to the room to look at Aiden. Aiden was asleep.

He lays on his back again because he felt threatened by the room behind him. He turns his head to look at Aiden. He was awake. He gasps and tries not to fall off his bed. Aiden grins. "I cant sleep if you keep staring at me, it makes me feel watched" he says softly, his voice low cause he just 'woke up'.

"Well, someone had to give you sleep paralysis" ethan says. Aiden smiles and buries his head in his arms again. Ethan grins and looks at the ceiling.

He suddenly got the strange feeling of being watched. He quickly turned his head towards aiden, who was now for real sleeping.

He looks at the ceiling again. He was almost sure he was being watched right now. He looks around the room. He doesn't see anything different. He is now half sitting-half-laying-down.

He looks around the room another time. He then turns his head to his desk. "Go to sleep." He hears next to him. He jumps and looks next to him. Aiden is looking at him, head still in his arms.

Ethan rolls with his eyes and looks back at his desk. Aiden scoffs and heaves his head up. "Are you getting paranoid or are you an insomniac? Or both" he asks. Ethan sighs and looks at him.

"I'm neither" he says and crosses his arms. Aiden scoffs. "Then why the fuck are you not sleeping and looking around the room like a damn lizard"
Ethan shrugs and lays back down next to Aiden.

He rolls onto his stomach and lays in the same position as Aiden. "You know, if i wasn't kind and perfect, you'd probably be on the street right now, because you know damn well nobody ain't taking you in" he says.

Aiden scoffs. "Where'd that come from" he says. Ethan shrugs and rolls onto his side to face Aiden. "I find it annoying that you are laying in a position like that without moving" he says. Aiden grins.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night'' he says and rolls onto his back.
Ethan grins and rolls onto his back again. "You know, talking like this in the dark is very dumb. We could talk anytime but we chose now" he says.

Ethan could practically hear Aiden rolling with his eyes. "Then go to sleep. We won't have to talk right now then" he says and rolls onto his side to look at ethan.

Ethan turns his head towards Aiden again. "But I want to talk now, not tommorow" he says.
Aiden chuckles. "You gotta wait then" he says and closes his eyes. "I hate waiting" ethan says.

Aiden scoffs and rolls onto his stomach again.
"Stop doing that. God." Ethan says and turns his head to the ceiling. Aiden smiles. "make me" he says.

Ethan grins. He grabs Aiden's hand and closes his eyes. Aiden scoffs and frees himself from Ethan's grasp. He looks at ethan with a raised eyebrow. Ethan is asleep.
He sighs and grabs Ethan's hand again, intertwining their fingers.

He closes his eyes and falls asleep

The MURDERERWhere stories live. Discover now