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Ethan smiles as he watches Aiden play a dumb game. He doesn't know what game it is. It looks silly anyways.

Wait. Why was he smiling while watching Aiden? That's weird. He quickly stops smiling and looks around his room.

He spotted his notebook. Complete bare. It wasn't really secret though. He grabs his notebook and goes through his pages of knowledge. "Hey, what was your relation with Casey like?" He asks. Aiden looks up. "I don't know, we were just friends, not particularly close or anything. Why?" He says.

Ethan nods and continues flipping through pages. Aiden exits his game and sits next to ethan. "Why??? What is it??" He whines. Ethan grins. "It's nothing, really" he says.
Aiden narrows his eyes.
"You sure?" He asks. Ethan nods.

"Just go back to playing your game" he says. Aiden grins. "Whatever you want" he says and slides down Ethan's bed again.

Aiden was sitting on the floor. Ethan on the bed. He scoffs. "Doesn't your ass hurt?" He asks. Aiden shakes his head. "No, I don't have one" he says.
Ethan's phone rings.

He grabs his phone and picks up. Aiden curiously looks up.

"ETHAN I FINALLY GOT A GIRLFRIEND!!" he hears grace scream through the phone.

"Woah woah okay calm down girl" ethan says.

"DO YOU WANNA KNOW HER?!" grace asks excitedly.

Ethan groans. "Not really" he mumbles.


"WAIT NO DONT!" ethan exclaims in panic. Aiden scoffs and goes back to his game.

It's too late. Grace hung up. Ethan drops himself on his bed. He unconsciously stood up. "Shit" he mumbles.

Aiden looks up again. "What is it?" He asks. Ethan runs a hand through his hair. "Grace is taking her girlfriend over so we can meet her" he says in panic. Aiden places his hand on top of Ethan's.

"Why is that a problem?" He asks. Ethan groans and rolls onto the floor. "Because I'm not good with girls" he whines. Aiden grins. "I can tell" he says as he thinks about the woman at the store.

Ethan grins. "I just hope her name isn't Evelyn, otherwise I'm going to un born myself" he says. Aiden raises an eyebrow.  "Un-born?" He asks. Ethan nods. "yeah." He says and leans against his bed.

Aiden scoffs. "What's un-born?" he asks. Ethan smirks. "You'll see" he says. Aiden rolls with his eyes and gets up. He puts his phone on Ethan's desk and sits down on his bed.

"I actually wonder what her girlfriend looks like" Ethan says. Right at that moment, the doorbell rings downstairs. Ethan shares a look with Aiden.
"I'll get it" ethan says after a few seconds.

He rushes downstairs and opens the door. His jaw drops to the floor when he sees grace and her girlfriend. "Stop staring at my girl like that" grace whines. Ethan nods. "Uhm, just come upstairs. Also don't mind the mess in my room" he says quickly and sprints up the stairs.

He runs into his room and sits himself down at his desk. Aiden on the floor in front of him. "What does she look like?" Aiden asks, "is she pretty?" He asks. Ethan groans. "Just look" he says.

Grace enters the room with her girlfriend following. The door closes automatically behind them. They stand awkwardly in the middle of the room. "Sit down on my bed" ethan says.

They nod and sit down. Aiden puts his hand on Ethan's leg. Grace looks at ethan. "This is my girlfriend, Casey"

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