Ethan wakes up. He heaves himself up on one arm. He looks around. He was wondering why his brother didn't wake him up. He starts to panic. He quickly gets out of bed and slips on some pants and a t-shirt.

He swiftly grabs his glasses and in an attempt to put them on he pokes his eye. He yelps and covers his eye. "Oh shit oh shit" he moans and runs his hand through his hair. He takes a quick look in the mirror.

He reaches his hand up again to fix his hair a bit, but he accidentally bumps his glasses off his nose. They fall down and he makes a failed attempt to catch them and falls.

He groans as he puts his glasses on. He stands up and runs downstairs for real now. The entire kitchen is empty. He sighs and walks to his bike to unlock it. It was still dark outside. He frowns and looks at the time.

Its 5 AM. Ethan groans and steps on his bike. He was way to early. But he didn't cycle fast and he could just easily get some breakfast. He smiles at the thought of eating and pushes his bike to start moving forward.

As he passes by stores and houses, he realises something. "I FORGOT MY BAG" He exclaims and turns around quickly and starts bicycling faster than the speed of light.

He cries as he made it home. His legs hurt and he was exhausted. He opens the door and closes it. He looks at the time. 5:30 now. He groans and walks up the stairs. Forcing himself to keep moving.

He jumps down on his bed and sighs heavily. "Shit" he whispers and takes off his glasses. He closes his eyes in an attempt to sleep again, but his brother slams open the door.

He grins widely and stares at ethan. "Wake up. Why did you sleep in those clothes anyway?" He asks. Ethan groans and throws his pillow at him. His brother snickers and throws the pillow back.

Ethan moans and pushes his hand to the side of his head. "Get the fuck out" he snaps. His brother scoffs and turns to walk downstairs. He turns his head. "Hurry up" he says and shuts the door behind him.

Ethan sighs as he falls back onto his bed. He practically had made himself ready already. He gets up and grabs his glasses. He quickly wipes them with the corner of his shirt and puts them on.

He desperately looks at his laptop. He grins and puts it in his bag. He throws his bag over his shoulder and walks downstairs. His brother looks at him with a raised eyebrow as he sits down to eat cereal.

"You're up early now" he says. Ethan nods. "I think I slept good" he says sarcastically. His brother snickers and throws a soggy bread piece at him. He gags and throws it back.

"Good morning fam" his father says, yawning. Ethan looks up and grins. "Good morning to you too" he says. His brother rolls with his eyes and gets back to eating.

"I'm off to school." Ethan says and quickly runs to the door and puts on his shoes. He spends ages trying to tie his laces but whatever, he has to look good at least. He grins and grabs his keys.

He walks out of the door and grabs his bag. He throws it over his shoulder and steps on his bike. He groans internally and starts pushing.

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