Ethan looks around the classroom and groans. Aiden had been sent to the principal's office a few minutes ago. He didn't know what for though.

Ethan grins. Some naughty boy he is. He smirks.

Aiden walks through the halls after being called to the principal's office. He could already imagine ethan with the biggest fattest smirk. He chuckles and stands still by the door.

He knocks three times. 
He's never seen the principal before... was it even a man? Probably. looks very professional or something..  aiden nods softly. That's it.

The door opens and reveals a greasy man from around fifty. Aiden raises an eyebrow. Was this the principal..? Kinda disappointing... and stinking too what the fuck.

He clears his throat and peaks behind the man in the room. This must really be the principal then.. "you called..?" He asks, more mumbling but whatever. The man nods and gestures for him to enter the room.

He raises an eyebrow and slowly walks into the room. The man sits down at his desk. It was dusty and not organized at all. He resists the urge to vomit. The man frowns. "Sit down." He says and points at the wooden chair in front of him.

It's a rusty old chair. It looks unstable.. aiden wrinkles his nose. Is that mold? God.. he hesitates before sitting down slowly. His image is ruined. His pants are ruined now. What could be worse? "They've found your father's body. We believe he has committed suicide" the man says and folds his legs.

This. This could be worse. Aiden exhales softly. "Where? Where did they find..?" He asks. "By the lake near the prison, most likely got out and committed" the man answers.

Aiden rubs his neck. "Well.. that's... uhm... freedom.. I guess" he mumbles. The man sighs. His moustache moving along. "Theres something else too.." he says. Aiden looks up. "What?" He asks. The man suddenly looks very serious.

"Well.. you know this one girl named Casey?"

Ethan groans and massages his wrist. "Miss,  when is Aiden coming back?" He asks. The woman shrugs. "Sorry, boy." She says and continues checking tests.

Ethan slides down his seat a little more. His butt hanging half off his chair. "Should I go get him?" He asks. The woman nods and a small smile stretches onto her face. "Sure, go get him" she says and gestures him to leave.

He quickly gets up and leaves the classroom.
He walks straight towards the principal's office. It was a strange place for sure. How would this man even rule a school? Did he have slaves? Ethan shivers. "God I get goosebumps thinking about that" he mumbles.

He knocks three times before firmly opening the door. He frowns as he looks at what's happening. Aiden is pushed on the desk. The greasy man on top of him. Ethan smirks. "Whoooops am I interrupting something?" He asks.

Aiden jumps and quickly pushes the man off of him. Ethan raises an eyebrow. "Wha-?" He begins but the man gets up and grabs aiden again. "Dude!-" ethan yells but he gets cut off when the man kicks a desk his way.

"Hello?! This is literal minor assault! Whoop whoop! police!?" Ethan exclaims and runs to help Aiden. The man pushes him away. "YOU DIRTY BASTARD!" He screams.

Ethan frowns. Who does this greasy man think he is? To be allowed to touch his boy. "What the hell are you even doing!?" He yells. The man grabs Aiden's throat.

Ethan quickly grabs a chair and throws it at his head. He screams as the moldy chair leg hits him in the face. Ethan grabs Aiden's arm and pulls him towards him. He felt calmer now. He quickly checks Aiden for bruises or anything before he drags Aiden out of the door.

Once they enter a different hallway, he stops walking. "What the fuck was that!?" He asks. Aiden sighs loudly and runs his hands through his hair roughly. "Stop- you're ruining your perfect hair!" Ethan says as he grabs Aiden's arms. He pushes him down on a bench. "Sit." He snaps.

Aiden quickly sits straighter and looks at Ethan. "Uh.. sorry I-" he mumbles but Ethan grabs his hands. "did he hurt you?" He asks. Aiden shakes his head.

Ethan smiles lightly. "Okay good." He mumbles and looks at Aiden again. He strokes the back of Aiden's hand with his thumb slowly.
"Why did he do that?"

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