Ethan fell asleep. He was lying in a very weird position. Aiden grins. It was a wonder ethan didn't break his back yet.

Aiden stretches his legs and rubs his neck. He turns to look at ethan. He looked pretty good actually, now he takes a better look at him. (Not that he thought ethan was ugly before.

He adored ethan in a way he never thought of others. It was special.

Aiden smiles and looks at the wall. Ethan rolls over to his stomach. He somehow manages to bury his head in Aiden's thigh. Aiden scoffs.

"Hey, you're killing me" he says. Ethan quickly opens his eyes. He relaxes again as he realises he's in his own room. He looks up at Aiden. "Oh hello there" he says and smiles.

Aiden scoffs. "Hello" he says. Ethan sits up. "Sorry" he says quickly. Aiden chuckles softly. "It's okay" he says. Ethan grins.

"What's the time by the way?" Ethan asks. Aiden grabs his phone and looks at the time. "Its almost six PM" he says and puts his phone back.
Ethan groans and lays down again. "My dad will call us to eat dinner In less than thirty minutes then" he says.

Aiden rubs his neck. "To be honest, I'm scared of your dad" he says. Ethan grins. "Understandable. Mostly when you're here though. He must think he's still seventeen or something" he mumbles.

Aiden smiles. "I'm just attractive, get the hint" he says jokingly. Ethan sighs. "You're right." He says and turns to his stomach. "Urgh, god, my back hurts like hell" he moans. Aiden scoffs. "That's because you sleep in weird positions" he says.

Ethan grins. "Well then, I guess I should sleep with a tall plank against my back tonight. I'll grow taller and my posture will be fixed, it's a win win" he says. Aiden chuckles.

"COME DOWN FOR DINNER YOU LITTLE HOES" Ethan's brother calls from downstairs. Ethan looks at Aiden and grins. They walk downstairs and take place at the table.

Ethan's dad sits next to ethan. "Aiden, have you thought about my proposal?" He asks. Aiden quickly looks at ethan. Ethan smirks.

His brother snickers. "What proposal are you talking about dad?" He asks. His dad smiles. "I asked Aiden here if I still have a change with him. Remember?" He says. Ethan raises an eyebrow.

"I thought you were joking" he says. His dad takes a sip of his beer. "Well, I wasn't" he snaps and turns back to Aiden.

"Understandable" is what ethan had said. He understood Aiden's fear for his dad. That was bad wasn't it?

Aiden looks at ethan. "Your boyfriend isn't getting you out of this," his dad says and circles his fork around. "Aiden. Date me" he says. Aiden raises his eyebrows. Ethan's brother looks at him. "Come on dad, you cannot force someone into a relation" he says.

Ethan looks at Aiden. Aiden internally holds a gun to his head. "Uhm, dad, don't say that" he says. His dad turns to him. "And why can't I? Love has no limits" he says. Ethan scoffs.

"It has. And this is it" he says and looks at Aiden with a raised eyebrow. Aiden blinks. What was he supposed to do in a Situation like this anyway?

His dad scoffs. "Love has no limits. Aiden loves me too doesn't he?" He says and smiles sweetly. Aiden clears his throat. "Uhm.." he mumbles.

His brother coughs. "Dad. There are lots of other people like Aiden. It's only the minor bit you want" he says. Ethan snorts. "As in? Minor person or small?" He asks. His brother smirks. "Both" he says. Aiden looks at ethan. Ethan grins.

"I'm done. Dinner is over" his dad says and stands up. Ethan raises an eyebrow. "We never do that," he says,"we always just go, what the hell is wrong with you?" He asks. His dad just walks away.

Ethan scoffs. "Don't worry, Aiden." He says and smiles reassuringly.
Aiden raises his eyebrows. His brother smirks. "That was so sweet, I think I just got diabetes" he says jokingly. Ethan glares at him. He stops laughing and quickly walks away.

Ethan smiles sweetly at Aiden. "Let's go upstairs" he says and grabs Aiden's hand. Aiden looks at his hand and nods. Ethan grins and pulls him upstairs.

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