Ethan wakes up. He checks the time. Its 03:00 AM. He looks at Aiden. He smiles. He stares at Aiden for a little while without realising it.
He suddenly hears knocking on his window.

He frowns. His room was quite high up. Who would climb to that height? He decides not to pay attention to it, because that's how most people die.
(Got myself scared fr its night time atm 4 me)

He turns to Aiden again. He moves closer. "Aiden?" He whispers. Aiden opens his eyes. "What?" He asks. Ethan brings his hand up to Aiden's cheek. He leans in closer to him. Aiden gets flustered. "What are you doing?" He whispers.

Ethan strokes Aiden's cheek. "Sorry. I need physical touch at the moment" he says. Aiden raises an eyebrow. "Why?" He asks. Ethan shakes his head. "Not important." He says and circles his finger around Aiden's jaw softly.

Was this a dream again?

Aiden's hand slips into his. "Did you have a nightmare or something?" He asks. Ethan chuckles. "No, I didn't" he says. Aiden smiles. "That's good" he says. Ethan moves closer to Aiden. He can feel his warm breath on his face now.

"Your heart's beating fast" Aiden notices. Ethan nods. "Actually, I heard knocking on the window a few minutes ago" he says. Aiden raises an eyebrow. "What?" He asks. Ethan grins.

"Fear makes me very.. affectionate" he says. The corner of Aiden's mouth goes up slowly. "Desperate?" He asks. Ethan nods. Aiden moves closer to Ethan. "What kind of affection?" He asks.

Ethan looks at him and smiles. "I just want your affection" he says. Aiden smiles back at him. "You already know why my pupils expand, don't you??" He asks and moves his head closer to Ethan's. 

Ethan nods. "And,? Do you feel that too when you're with me?" Aiden asks. Ethan nods. "I guess so" he says. Aiden smiles. Ethan can feel his breath on his face. Aiden leans in closer and puts his lips on Ethan's.

Ethan doesn't pull away.
He just goes with it.

Aiden softly strokes Ethan's cheek. "You know that thing I wanted to tell you?" He asks and smiles. Ethan nods.
Aiden kisses him again.

"Well,..." he says and puts his finger on Ethan's lip.

"Ethan, wake uppp" Aiden moans as he shakes Ethan awake. Ethan quickly opens his eyes. "What?" He says in panic. Aiden scoffs. "How are you still sleeping? We need to get to school in less than 30 minutes" he says.

Ethan grabs his glasses and puts them on. His vision becomes more clear. He looks at Aiden. he blinks. "I'm still tired" he says and closes his eyes again. Aiden sighs and grabs Ethan's shoulders. "Wake up" he says as he shakes ethan.

Ethan moans. "Wahh okayy uhmm" he groans.
Aiden grins and gets up.
"You should actually put pants on when you sleep. Your legs touched me and I went freezing" he says. Ethan grins. "That's your payback from getting free of my grip" he snaps.

Aiden rolls with his eyes. "You literally tried to murder me or something" he says. Ethan smiles. "What would I do with your corpse? Where would I hide it? Wait, I should give it to Evelyn.." he smirks. Aiden throws a pair of balled up socks at his head.

Ethan yelps. "My god, I'm getting violated" he whines. Aiden scoffs. "I wonder what Evelyn will do to your corpse though.." Ethan says and grins mischievously. Aiden rolls with his eyes. "What do you think she'll do? Eat me?" He asks.

Ethan smirks. "Something like that" he says. Aiden sighs. "You are so dirty" he says and throws a shirt at Ethan. "Put clothes on." He demands. Ethan quickly gets up and starts dressing up.

Aiden scoffs. "I didn't expect you to do it" Ethan rolls with his eyes. "Who won't listen to you? You're a handsome ma- stop. I'm getting dressed. No need for talking" he says and pulls on pants.

Aiden chuckles softly and fixes his hair a little. Ethan grins. "It was already perfect'' he says. Aiden scoffs. "I just need perfection." He says. Ethan smirks. "I am perfection" he says.

Aiden rolls with his eyes. "Yeah, sure" he says and flattens his clothes a little. Ethan raises an eyebrow. "Look at me," he says. Aiden looks up at him. His pupils expand. Bigger this time.
He scoffs and looks away.

Ethan smiles and opens the door. "Let's get to school faster than a snail comes home" he says. Aiden raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean by the snai,-" he begins but ethan interrupts him by pulling him downstairs.

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