Ethan wakes up with a headache. He was lying on the floor. What was he doing there? He looks around. He was in his own room. That's definitely better. He looks around. It had little inaccurate spots of his room. Which must meant it was a dream.

He looks around himself again. His breathing suddenly stops. He grasps his throat. An ear splitting shriek echoes through his head. He struggles to breath. He stumbles towards the door. It opens before he can even reach his hand out.

Several corpses tumble into the room. A shrill screaming sound. It was coming from him. He looks down. Blood was gushing over his whole room. He starts hyperventilating.

He struggles to breath.
He steps over the bodies and peers into the dark hallway. A figure walking down the hallway. He squints his eyes to see it better. Aiden was coming out of the dark. But he was holding a knife?

"You. killed.. them..?" Ethan manages to bring out. Aiden looks down at the knife In his hand. "Nothing to worry about, don't worry. I won't kill you" he assures him. Ethan falls against the door frame. He gasps for breath.

He struggles to breathe in air. The smell of decaying corpses made him feel sick. He gags and falls down onto his knees.  he looks down at his hands. They were covered in blood. He wipes his hands on his pants.

He wipes harder. He cant get it off. He tries to rub it off harshly. The skin tears from his bones. He screams in pain. He looks at his skinless hands. He screams again. Fuck.

"Wake up!!" His brother Wakes him up. Ethan groans and turns around. He quickly  looks at his hands. "Why were you talking all night?" His brother asks. "I was on call with Aiden." Ethan answers. "So, video calling or voice." His brother asks.

Ethan grins. "Why are you invested in my private life?" His brother rolls with his eyes. "Because I'm a soul sucking family member and I will later use this against you in an argument" he says.

Ethan scratches his head. "Makes sense" he says and gets up. "Now get out of my room because I am still a minor" he snaps and pushes his brother out of the room. His brother yelps and falls down the stairs. Ethan grins.

"Fair enough" he says and pulls off his shirt. He looks around his room for a clean shirt. He smirks and grabs a shirt Aiden must have left behind. He quickly puts it on and starts his search for a pair of pants.

He pulls on his pants and puts his glasses on. He walks to the bathroom. He studies his face. He grabs his toothbrush and puts toothpaste on it. He wets his toothbrush and puts it in his mouth. He wipes his hands on his pants.

He glances down at his hands. No blood. Skin still on. He sighs in relief and brushes his teeth. He empties his mouth and puts his toothbrush down.

He fixes his hair and walks out of the bathroom. He steps into his room again. He grabs his bag and shoves his notebook into it.

He throws his bag over his shoulder and walks down the stairs. He enters the kitchen. His dad frowns at him. "What are you mad for" ethan asks.

His father scoffs. "You were talking the entire night. Keeping me up. Who were you talking to anyways?" Ethan rolls with his eyes. "I was talking to Aiden." He says and starts putting on his shoes. 

His father smiles. "Its okay then" he says and goes back to the TV. Ethan ties his laces and grabs his keys. "BYE" he shouts and walks out of the front door.

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