He enters the cafeteria and scans around the room. He looks at every person. And then, he found him. He quickly walks up to him. He's sitting alone so the gods are bearing with him.

He sits down in front of the boy. The boy looks up. "Uhm, do I know you?" He asks. Ethan almost rolls with his eyes but stops himself from doing so. "Uhm you do not know me but I do practically know you" he says, praying that made a good influence.

The boy stares at him in silence, Studying him. "How?" He asks curiously. Ethan groans internally. "Okay, so, I bet you've heard the rumours about you..." he says. The boy cuts him off with a kick to his shin.

He groans loudly and gasps his shin. "Ah, are you crazy?!" He exclaims. The boy crosses his arms, eyebrows raised. Ethan scratches the back of his neck. "Sorry" he says quickly in an attempt to sound nice.

"I don't want. to know you" the boy says coldly and walks away. Ethan scoffs. "So edgy" he mumbles and leans his head on his hand.

He feels eyes burning a hole through the back of his head. He quickly turns around and locks eyes with a girl. "Oh great" he thought. The 'weird girl' was on his case now. He waves awkwardly. She glares at him and turns around.

He shivers and stands up, taking mental notes. One of them being, 'let's not talk to that one'. He himself found that pretty discriminating, but that didn't bother him in any way or whatsoever. He didn't have to be nice to be liked.

He walks into the classroom. He scans it once again and his eyes lock on the boy. He was lucky that this class didn't really have signature seats to a certain somebody, so he walked up to him and sat down beside him.

The boy groans and looks at him with annoyance. "What do you want from me?" He snaps. Ethan chuckles awkwardly. "I will never say this again. But will you be friends with me?" He asks.

The boy looks at him. What reaction was he hoping for?.. ethan blinks. The boy frowns. "Why?" He asks. Ethan shrugs. "Just because. And I have no friends. You neither. So we are perfect together" he says.

The boy grins. "Did you think that one through?" He asked, mockingly. Ethan pushes his glasses up and looks at him. "I thought I did, but looking back at it now.. " he says.

The boy rolls with his eyes and crosses his arms. "I'm not interested." He says and turns back to the teacher.
Ethan groans and drops his shoulders.

"What's your name by the way" he asks, trying again. The boy stays quiet and stares at the teacher. Ethan groans and elbows the boy.
The boy seems annoyed by that and looks at him.

"Could you just, stop?" He asks, clearly irritated.
Ethan looks at him in disbelief. "I can't believe you're actually telling me to stop" he says. The boy rolls with his eyes.

"Tell me your name and I'll tell mine. It's that simple, we don't even have to become friends but I want to address you as something else than The Boy" ethan starts again. The boy looks at him. "Aiden. My name's Aiden" he says and looks back at the teacher.

"Aiden..?" Ethan says as he rubs the sides of his brain. "Hmm, well, my name's Ethan" he says and pats him on the arm.

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