"I actually didn't want to walk" aiden says after a while. Ethan looks at him in disbelief. "You mother.." he mumbles. Aiden chuckles. "I did want to tell you something though" he says.

Ethan looks at him. "What?" He says. Aiden looks at him, his pupils expand. "I forgot" he says. Ethan scoffs. "So you dragged me outside to tell me something you forgot?" Aiden nods.

"It seems so" he says. Ethan looks at the night sky. "And I was bored, you know" aiden says. Ethan grins. "I figured that" he says and looks straight ahead. He suddenly stops walking. "Listen" he says.

Aiden stops. He looks at Ethan quizzically. "Wh-?" He starts but ethan shuts him up. They hear a muffled scream. Ethan shoots a look at Aiden. Aiden lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding and looks around.

Ethan grabs Aiden's hand. "Let's just go" he says quickly. Aiden shrugs. "Whatever you want." He says and looks at ethan, His pupils expanding again.

Ethan chuckles and quickly drags Aiden with him, back to his house. They hear footsteps behind them. They quickly turn around to see who was following them, but they see no one.

Aiden sighs and looks at ethan for a swift moment. He looks back ahead and squints his eyes to see better.

He can make out a person figure. He quickly tightens his grip on Ethan's hand. Ethan looks at him with a raised eyebrow. "Let's go now." Aiden says quickly and turns around. Just to face Evelyn.

He smiles softly and ethan turns around too. "What are you doing just standing there?" He asks.
Evelyn puts on a scared expression and starts trembling. "Did you guys hear that too?" She asks. Ethan frowns. "Depends" he says.

Evelyn looks annoyed. "I mean, the scream" she says, shaking in fear. Aiden looks at her. "Yes we heard, but why are you here? Doesn't your sister live here alone?" He asks.

Ethan looks at him. "So you are dating her s-!?" He asks, but stops halfway his sentence.
He takes a better look at Evelyn. "Why are you here?" He asks. Evelyn frowns. "I'm here to visit my sister ofcourse" she snaps.

Ethan grins. "Why? Do you want to force her into breaking up with Aiden?" He asks. Evelyn gets a menacing look in her eyes. "Why would you think such a thing?" She asks. Ethan shrugs. "I don't know, but what I do know is that you are wasting my time right now so please, fuck off" he says.

Evelyn starts crying. "But I'm scared!!" She wails. Aiden tries to hide his laughter by looking behind him. "Well, you can....." Ethan says and acts like he is thinking about a solution. "I know, you can stay with your sister till tomorrow. Now fuck off and we will be on our way" he says.

Aiden scoffs. They walk back to Ethan's house. Evelyn follows them. "We are not your sisters" aiden says as he looks behind him. Evelyn pouts. "But I want to stay with you guys tonight. Can I??" She asks.

Aiden starts crying on the inside. Ethan pushes his glasses up. "But we aren't together tonight" he says. Evelyn looks at them both. "You are now" she says. Aiden grins.

"If you want to be with Aiden then just say so" Ethan snaps. Evelyn's eyes widen. "I-.. no! Ofcourse not! I mean, no I do not!" She says. Aiden cringed and leans on Ethan's shoulder.

"Help" he whispers in his ear. Ethan bites his lip softly and grins. "Its okay. It's understandable. For wives, but like," he says and looks at Aiden quickly. Aiden drops his shoulders and look at Ethan as if he'd said something extremely offending.

"Can I just please come with you guys??" Evelyn begs. Ethan sighs. Aiden looks at him in fear. "No." Ethan says. Evelyn looks at them in disbelief. "Why not?" She asks. "Because you just want to be with Aiden, and he is already.. ...uh," ethan stutters and rubs the back of his neck.

Aiden grins. "I already have someone" he says. Ethan pushes up his glasses and nods. "I was gonna say that" he says. Evelyn crosses her arms. Full of attitude.

"Well, that wasn't my reason. I am scared for life and there could be danger on these streets here." She says. Aiden sighs and looks at Ethan, his pupils expanding once again.

"Fuck her" he mumbles. Ethan grins and looks at Evelyn. "I'm very sorry, actually not, but, we can't spend the night together with you. Besides, I'm not even sleeping with Aiden tonight so that's impossible." He says.

Aiden scoffs and crosses his arms. "I know you hate his guts and all, but just listen to this man" he says as he points to ethan. Ethan scoffs. "Why are you addressing me as 'This man'?" He asks, disbelief and betrayal stretched onto his face.

"Live with it." Aiden says. Ethan rolls with his eyes. "Are you guys like, a couple?" Evelyn asks, suddenly. Ethan looks at her. "What do you mean? The fuck no-" he says but aiden kicks him. "Yes we are" he says.

Ethan sighs and looks at Aiden. Aiden looks at him as his pupils expand. "Just live with it" he says.
Ethan groans and looks at Evelyn. "Exactly" he says. Evelyn scoffs. "You don't look like one. Nevermind." She says.

Aiden grins. "Are you jealous???" He asks. Evelyn scoffs. "As if" she snaps and walks away. Ethan looks at Aiden directly now. "Now my life is in danger" he says dramatically. Aiden scoffs. "That's rather dramatic." He says and pats his back.

Ethan rolls with his eyes. "Just watch as she takes my life because I talk to you" he says. Aiden grins. "Paranoid" he says. "Murderer." Ethan snaps and walks back to his house leaving Aiden standing on the dark streets.

Aiden Scoffs. "Whatever you want" he mumbles and slides his hands into his pockets. He kicks a can of coke down the street and walks away.

(Wow, his villain arc)

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