Ethan stops at Grace's house. It was a simple 2-story house. It had a flower garden and a tree. A basic garden at that. He waits a few minutes more and he hears the door unlock. Grace steps out.

"Sorry I'm late" she says quickly and unlocks her bike. Ethan shakes his head. "Its okay, Its common for me to be late" he says, which wasn't really a lie.

Grace nods quickly and steps on her bike. She pushes her legs forward and passes by ethan. "COME THEN" she shouts, followed with a laugh. Ethan groans and follows her.

His legs are screaming and crying and his armpits are breaking out. He forces back tears.
He tries to ignore it but he cannot. He groans and starts pushing slower. Grace is ahead of him by miles.

He doesn't want to be seen like this though, so he did not mind.

He finally arrives at school. He throws his bike into the wall and it lands with a satisfying crack. He smiles to himself and locks his bike. He quickly steps away from it and walks into the building.

He finally finds Aiden. He's unhappily sitting next to evelyn. She is talking very happily to him and very touchy too.
Ethan grimaces and walks towards them. "Class starts in a few minutes you know?" He says.

Aiden jumps up in relief and quickly stands next to ethan. "I know" he says and grabs Ethan's arm. "Well if you would excuse me," he says and pulls ethan with him as he runs down the hall. "No running in the hallways" ethan mocks.

Aiden scoffs and stops abruptly. Ethan bumps into his back and falls backwards. "YOU BITCH" he screams. Aiden grins and turns around to face ethan. His pupils expand rapidly. "Sorry" he mumbles and helps him up.

"You better be, my ass hurts now" ethan snaps.
"You don't have an ass" Aiden says and grins. Ethan rolls with his eyes. "Oh yeah? And how do you know that? You seen it?" He asks. Aiden smirks. "There's nothing to even see there, but in that case, yeah, I have" he says.

Ethan's eyes widen."did you just insult me in a very strange way?" He asks. Aiden shrugs. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't" he says. Ethan scoffs. "Do you still need to borrow my stuff?" He asks menacingly. Aiden nods and quickly dusts off Ethan's shirt.

"Let's get to class now" he says and swiftly turns around the corridor. Ethan scoffs and goes after him.

He finds the classroom after a while and quickly walks in. Aiden is already in his seat by the window and next to him is-- nobody. Perfect. Ethan smiles in victory and quickly takes seat next to him.

"I'm heeeeeree" he says dramatically and grabs Aiden's thigh. "Well hello" he says. Aiden scoffs and pushes his hand off. Ethan rolls with his eyes and grabs his notebook. "Well that's not nice" he says as he puts the notebook In between them.

"I don't understand any of this shit" aiden whines. Ethan scoffs. "Neither" he says and puts his pen down. "Let's sneak out" he whispers. Aiden rolls with his eyes. "And why should we do that?" He asks. Ethan sighs. "You'll have no choice anyway, since I'm taking my books with me" he says as he starts to pack up.

"Fine I'll go" aiden groans. Ethan smiles and gets up. "I'm gonna use the restroom" he announces and walks out of the room.

Its been a while and ethan hasn't returned. "Ethan has been gone for long miss, can I go get him?" Aiden asks. The teacher frowns. "Sure but don't take too long" she says. Aiden nods and slips his phone in his pocket and walks out of the room.

He searches for the toilets and sees ethan standing there. "Took you long enough" he says. Aiden scoffs. "Well sorry, I had to mislead a teacher first" he says. Ethan grins. "Are you here to get me back?" He asks.

Aiden nods. "Sure am. Now get your ass moving" he says. Ethan rolls with his eyes. "I will, but only if you give me a kiss on my cheek" he says. Aiden retches. "What kinda drink did you swallow?" He asks.

Ethan grins. "I was just kidding, chill" he says and puts an arm around Aiden's shoulder. "Let's go now then" he says and they walk away.

They walk through the halls.

Through the corridors they go.

Out of the school they get.

Back to the bikes they got.

On the bikes they stepped.

Drove away they did.

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