Ethan wakes up.

He looks around.
He finds himself in a plain hospital room.
What else would you expect from a hospital room though.

So much happened.

It happened quick.

He suddenly feels embarrassed.
Standing up all cool with blood gushing out of his ears. Then falling backwards AND hitting his head on the windowsill.

If his brother had been there, he would have bullied the shit out of him. Ethan sighs and looks at the figure sitting next to his bed.

It was Aiden. He probably had waited for him to wake up but fell asleep in the main time.

Ethan smiles. He then remembers he litteraly could have a brain tumour right now. He cringed. That was the last thing he needed.

He looks at his fingers.
They were clean. He frowns. Someone cleaned him..

That thought disgusts him. He tries not to think about it.

He reaches his hand to the back of his head. He feels bandages. A lot of them.

Was it that bad? He looks at his arm. There were all kinds of strings stuck on him. He grunts. It looks disgusting.

He pulls the things off and gets up. He smirks and looks at Aiden.

"Bye you little bitch" he says and slips on his shoes.

He bolts out of the door and runs through the hallways of the hospital
In his weird looking hospital gown.

He reaches the exit, but just then he trips over his feet and smacks on the ground. He groans and rubs his head. He looks up and looks straight in the eyes of a doctor.

He blinks. "Uhm, can I help you sir?" He asks. The doctor frowns. "I should be asking you that. Besides, you are my patient. Why are you here?" He asks.

Ethan swallows. "I was going for a little walk" he lies. The doctor doesn't seem impressed by this excuse. "Get up." He says sternly. Ethan quickly stands up. He struggles to keep standing.

"I'm fine, doctor. Completely fine." He says. The doctor raises an eyebrow. "Your analytics say otherwise" he says. Ethan rolls with his eyes.

"As if I care. It's my own body, i decide what's good or not. Now, if you excuse me, I have better stuff to do than waste my time here." Ethan says and pushes past the doctor to get the door.

The doctor pulls him back by his arm. "You're not going anywhere." He says. Ethan blinks. "Who are you to tell me what to do?" He asks. The doctor frowns.

"You had a bleeding in your literal brain. You expect me to let you walk out?" He asks. Ethan grins. "I did. Now please let me go before I call the cops on you for holding force against a minor" He says and smiles sweetly.

The doctor looks at him with a stern look. "If you leave now, don't even bother coming back" he snaps.

Ethan chuckles. "As if I wanted to" he says. The doctor looks at him. "By the way, your file says that you turn eighteen in less than four months. You can at least act your age." He says.

Ethan rolls with his eyes. "That's boring man. I don't want a boring life, Like yours" he mumbles that last sentence. The doctor clears his throat.
"Still, you should stay in the hospital for now." He says.

Ethan scoffs. "And get possessed at night? Nah-uh. No way. Suck my dick, asshole" he says and pushes past the doctor.

The doctor pulls him back once again. "Stay." He snaps. "Damn why do you want me to stay so bad? I know I'm delicious but I'm not for you mate." Ethan says.

The doctor scoffs. "Delicious? More like deluscious" He says.
(Delusional but with delicious so he's funny)

Ethan rolls with his eyes and crosses his arms. That pose.
The attitude it holds.

"Damn right. I turn eighteen in less than four months. So you'll not be able to force me. By the way, if you if you round up four, you get one. and if you round one you get zero. So I basically am eighteen already" ethan says and smirks.

The doctor scoffs. "You're so dumb. No way you are eighteen right now. More like, eleven" He says. "STOP ASSAULTING MINORS!!" Ethan screams suddenly. Everyone in the hallway turns around.

They loon at the scene.
"What?" The doctor asks.
"YOU HEARD ME." Ethan screams. The doctor looks at everyone in the hallway. Ethan takes this change to run outside.

He takes a sharp left turn and almost runs into a brick wall.

He is now outside of the hospital.

He runs further.

He had actually no idea where he was at this point.

His head starts throbbing.

He moans and holds his head.

He was gonna die.

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