Ethan pulls aiden with him to the living room. He smiles sweetly and pats his shoulder. Aiden raises an eyebrow.

Ethan's brother comes into the room. "I GOT A GIRL PREGNANT." he exclaims. His dad frowns and stands up. "ALEX. YOU WHORE. IM GONNA COUNT TO THREE AND THAT BABY WONT BE FREE" he shouts.

His brother quickly gets on his knees. "Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry" he says in an inhuman speed.

Ethan gasps. "You got a GIRL?! Pregnant?!" He asks. His brother looks up. He then nods. "It was an accident. We were drunk and-" he says but his father cuts him off with a belt to his back. "YOU NASTY DOG. I RAISED YOU BETTER THAN THIS!" He screams and storms after his brother upstairs.

Ethan grins. "Well... that's interesting" he says. Aiden raises his eyebrows. "Indeed" he says. Ethan smiles and stands a little closer to Aiden. "We should like.. go to my room" he says and smiles innocently.

Aiden scoffs. "Why do you have to say it like that?" He asks. Ethan smirks. "Because I'll be more happy when I get what I want" he says. Aiden raises an eyebrow. "Then.... what do you want?" He asks.

Ethan smiles. "I want.. to know what that greasy ass man was doing to my little doggo" he says. Aiden raises an eyebrow. "You have a dog?" He asks. Ethan rolls with his eyes. "A dog? My ass. You're the dog I'm talking about! You're mine, remember?" He says and looks Aiden straight in the eyes.

Aiden quickly nods. "Whatever you say" he says. Ethan smiles and grabs his hand. Aiden Quickly glances at his hand. He smiles softly before looking away.

Ethan smiles and pulls Aiden with him to his room.

Dragging someone up the stairs wasn't that easy though. Ethan grins. "Sit down on my bed" he demands. aiden nods and sits down. Ethan takes place at his desk and looks at Aiden.

"So," he begins. Aiden raises an eyebrow. "Were you two doing naughty stuff?" Ethan asks with a smirk. Aiden scoffs. "Never" he says. Ethan gasps dramatically. "It kinda looked to me he would pull out that greasy cock of him and stick it up your a-" he says but gets brutally interrupted by a slam on the window.

Aiden raises an eyebrow. "What the fuck?" Ethan quickly sits down next to Aiden. Aiden grins. "Are you scared?" He asks teasingly. Ethan scoffs. "Never." He says and crosses his arms.

A window crashes downstairs. Ethan jumps. "WHAT THE HELL?!" He exclaims. Aiden looks at Ethan. "Are you scared?" He asks. Ethan scoffs. "Like hell I am" he says and puts his hand on Aiden's thigh.

Aiden grins. "Don't worry, your dog is right next to you" he says dramatically. They hear footsteps coming up the stairs. Which was a little weird because all of them were upstairs..

Ethan looks at Aiden and tightens his grip on his thigh. Aiden looks at the door. He held his breath. You can see someone standing under the door.
(Like ------- under that small gap^ there)

Ethan then smirks slowly and runs his hand up and down Aiden's thigh. Aiden tensed and stops Ethan's hand from moving. "Don't." He snaps. Ethan chuckles.

The doorknob turns suddenly. The door slams open. It reveals. . . . . .


"Did you- did you just break into my house?" Ethan asks in disbelief. Aiden studies her. She was holding a sharp kitchen knife. "Are you gonna make dinner with that for us?" He asks.

Evelyn quickly hides the knife. "What??" She asks swiftly. Ethan raises an eyebrow. "What even are you doing here?" He asks. Evelyn looks at Aiden and smiles. "I didn't expect to find you here" she mumbles.

Ethan scoffs. "Just!- uh.. were you gonna kill me?" He asks. Aiden raises an eyebrow. "Uh.. nooo?" Evelyn says and chuckles awkwardly. Ethan frowns. "Then what are you doing here? You will pay for that window repair." He snaps.

Evelyn sighs. "Okay." She mumbles and walks downstairs. "AND DON'T STEAL ANYTHING." Ethan yells.

Aiden scoffs. "As if she would steal something." He says. Ethan smirks. "She wants to steal your heart" he says. Aiden groans. "Please no" he moans. Ethan smiles.

"By the way, I've found a case from barely last year yesterday" ethan suddenly mentions and grabs his laptop. "Here," he says and opens a news page.

"Five high school kids were found dead" aiden reads aloud. "Wow. That's alot" he says and chuckles. Ethan nods. "And see this," he shows a picture of the school the people were found dead at. "Is that our school?" Aiden asks.

Ethan nods. "Alec, Jason, Ava, Cleo and Mavis.." he mumbles. Aiden frowns. "I think Jason was in our class last year.. he was pretty funny I guess" he says.

Ethan nods. "I think he had a crush on Alec though" he says and smirks. Aiden nods. "Like, the biggest fattest crush ever" he says. Ethan grins.

"You're the same" he says. Aiden raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" He asks. Ethan chuckles and stands up.
"I'm gonna piss" he announces and walks out of the room.

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