XLV- Thunder God's Fury

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name (First)
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(H/L): Hair Length
(S/C): Skin Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

(Y/N) was thrusted through the wall and into the hallway behind said wall. A window was in that hallway where it ended.

The tentacle disappeared as Tsutsumi walked out of the hole. She pulled out the key from between her breasts and looked at it.

Tsutsumi: Hm. Guess this is useless now.

Just then, (Y/N) stood up and punched her in the chest with a storm-infused fist.

Tsutsumi coughed up blood and fell to the ground. Her eyes were wide in shock.

(Y/N) was panting as blood dropped on the ground from the wound in his chest.

(Y/N): I'm not done yet.

Tsutsumi growled.

Tsutsumi: Shave.

She disappeared. (Y/N) didn't move a muslce.

The blonde haired woman appeared behind him, her finger thrusting out to (Y/N)'s back.

The (S/C) skinned male turned and grabbed her arm, glaring at her.

(Y/N): I don't have time for anymore games. Robin needs me.

Tsutsumi: You're never seeing her again.

She held up her other hand, palm out.

Tsutsumi: Tenta-Wrap: Noose.

A single, skinny tentacle shot out of her body, wrapping around (Y/N)'s neck. He was picked up off of the ground and held in the air.

The pirate clutched at his neck, choking. His legs moved around furiously.

Tsutsumi began to punch him over and over again, laughing all the while.

Another flashback hit (Y/N). He was chained against the wall, and his father kept hitting him with brass knuckles. He had screamed and screamed in pain that day.

(Y/N) felt his eyes getting wet. Whether that was from the memory or the asphyxiation, he didn't know.

He heard the devil's laughter loud and clear now. That's all there was. Just laughter.

(Y/N)'s eyes fell on Tsutsumi. In his mind, he saw her transform into his father. The cruel dark eyes that he had and the (H/C) hair that (Y/N) had inherited from him.

The devil's laughter got louder and louder. (Y/N) roared at the top of his lungs, his anger flaring greatly.

Black wispy smoke began to emerge from his body. The tentacle around his neck began to shake.

Tsutsumi stopped her relentless assault, staring at the smoke in confusion.

That's when (Y/N) realized what was happening. The devil was trying to take over. He couldn't have that happen. Not here, and not when he needed to get to Robin as fast as possible!

The tentacle had loosened its grip around (Y/N)'s neck as it shook. He could breathe again though just barely.

The devil continued to laugh. (Y/N) shook his head. Swirling wind began to surround his body. The tentacle was cut by the wind, allowing (Y/N) to fall to the floor.

The male grabbed his head, shaking his head harder. He couldn't allow the devil to take over, not even to aid him in defeating Tsutsumi.


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