LXXXIII- (Y/N) vs. Kenji

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name (First)
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(H/L): Hair Length
(S/C): Skin Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

Zeo: Even if you have defeated 50,000 of our men, we still have 50,000 left!!

Zoro put on his bandana and looked at Luffy.

Zoro: Come on, Luffy, 50,000? You have to share.

Luffy: Oh, sorry.

Sanji: I'm taking 30,000, Mosshead.

Zoro: Shut up, Mr. Nosebleed.

(Y/N): <yawning> This is such a bother. These pirates aren't even worth fighting.

Robin: Yes, but the quicker we defeat them, the more time we'll have to ourselves.

(Y/N): <smirking> You're right.

Hody attempted to hit Shirahoshi with a bullet of water, but Jimbei blocked it with one of his own.

Jimbei: Hmph... I don't know how you acquired that power, Hody, but it's merely the Fish-Man Karate of a novice.

The fish-men all charged at the Straw Hats and Jimbei, with many attempting to attack Shirahoshi as well.

Brook slashed through a bunch of them while Zoro cut through iron shields and created a tornado.

Fish-Men: It's a tornado that cuts flesh!! Run before it gets you!! How far is it gonna chase us?!

Zoro: To the pits of Hell.

The pirates all shivered in fear, while (Y/N) patted Zoro on the shoulder.

(Y/N): How edgy of you. Then again, that sounds exactly like something I would've said back on Gravebone Island.

Zoro: We're in the middle of a fight, you know.

(Y/N): No, shit.

A large group of fish-men were running up to the (H/C) haired male. He sighed before surrounding his body in crackling lightning and shot through them all.

(Y/N): Thunder Blitz!!

Sanji, meanwhile, used Sky Walk to jump into the air over a group of pirates who had surrounded him.

Luffy: Wow!! Sanji's flying!

Robin: That's just like CP9's.

The blond stared at the fish-men that were attempting to attack the mermaid princess from the sky.

Sanji: If you got something to say to Shirahoshi, you'll have to go through me first! <to Shirahoshi> I'm your gallant knight! <3

Shirahoshi: Oh, Sanji!

As he used Diable Jambe to beat the shit out of the fish-men, Robin summoned two gigantic legs that appeared behind her.

Robin: Mille Fleurs: Gigantesco Mano: Stomp!!

The legs started stomping on the ground, hitting numerous fish-men.

Robin: Pardon me. <3

(Y/N): <blushing> Naked...legs?!

Zoro: Hey! This is no time to get lovesick!

A group of poison-using fish-men were about to attack Robin, when a big armored motorcycle shot out of the Sunny.

Franky: Soldier Dock System! Channel 4! Black Rhino FR-U4!!

Luffy: It's a rhino bike!! Awesome!! 🤩

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