LXXII- Into the Plaza

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name (First)
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(H/L): Hair Length
(S/C): Skin Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

As the lava fists continued to rain down, the ice that was the pirates' footing began to melt and crumble.

Some pirates fell in the water and were boiled alive due to the lava's heat.

Whitebeard's ship, the Moby Dick, was also destroyed by Akainu.

Cyrene grabbed both (Y/N) and Luffy, picking them up with the giant hands of the misty bat.

Luffy: Ah! Devil Lady!

Cyrene: This is quite the conundrum we're in.

(Y/N): Conundrum is putting it way too lightly!

Whitebeard punched air, which sent a tremor towards one of the walls trapping the pirates, but it hardly budged.

Pirates: The wall won't shatter! I don't believe it!! Pops's power doesn't work on it!! That's not ordinary steel!!

Sengoku: The operation is going as planned. We will now perform the execution of Portgas D. Ace!!

The Whitebeard Pirates all hurried towards the only place there wasn't a wall: the body of Little Oars Jr.

Luffy: Look, Devil Lady! There's a way to get to them!

Cyrene: No, you fool! That's clearly a trap!

Luffy escaped from the woman's grasp and hurried over to Oars Jr.

(Y/N): Luffy, wait!!

Jimbei and Ivankov saw him running.

Ivankov: No way!! Stop!! It's obviously a trap!!

When Luffy and the other pirates reached Oars Jr., an explosion occurred, throwing them all back.

Cyrene/Ivankov: I told you!!

(Y/N) ran over to Luffy and helped him up. He was coughing.

Jimbei: How could you be so reckless?!

Luffy: I gotta do something!! They're gonna execute Ace!!

Jimbei: You're right about that! That gap is the only opening in the wall of steel! We have to use it to our advantage somehow!

Ivankov: But only a few of us can pass through that narrow opening at a time! Each group that goes through will have to face the full force of the Marines!!

(Y/N): I would use my powers to move over the walls, but, yeah, I can't fight all of them at once.

Cyrene: Hmm...

Luffy: <to Jimbei> I need a favor!!

Meanwhile, Little Oars Jr. stood up, having been awakened by the explosion.

As Kizaru was about to shoot Oars Jr. dead, a pillar of water shot through the air and over the steel wall.

Marines: What's that?! A pillar of water?!

The water splashed onto the ground right in front of the admirals.

Luffy, (Y/N), and Cyrene stood before them, with the youngest of the three holding a mast of a ship.

Marines: Straw Hat Luffy!! And the two devil hosts!!

Aokiji: You made it all the way here. But you're not getting on this platform yet.

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