1. Awakening and Remembering

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****thank you all so much for the votes and comments and for reading this, i love you guys <3
heres the start of Tragic Magic guys. The torture is far from over, the feels are ever-present XD
This story will take place where I left off in the last book before the bonus chapters. Ronnie is in the hospital, not awake yet****


I was lost in the fog, lost in the sea of memories. I didn't know who I was anymore. I didn't know anything except that there was a girl. A girl that I missed severely. A girl whose name had escaped me, who's face I couldn't remember. What did she look like? What was her name? What was my name? What did my face look like?

Disjointed body parts drifted past my eyes. A flower tattoo on a hand, fingers that said BANG. Wings tattooed between shoulder blades. A snake wrapped around a waist. Who did the tattoos belong to? Were they mine? Were they hers? Were they someone else's completely?

A pair of green eyes laced with yellow. Black and red hair flying around a blank face. The feel of someone's arms wrapped around me. Crying, screaming. Mumbled, incoherent words. Fear. Blood, bruises, tears. Parted, plump red lips. Was this her?

All I knew was the fog. That's the only thing I was sure about. But was I really? What did I really know about it?

I knew that it was keeping me hidden, keeping me safe. But it was holding me down, keeping me back. Keeping from remembering!

The fog, it wasn't a soft blanket anymore, it was hard, heavy chains keeping me down; it was my prison. I couldn't escape it. I couldn't escape.

I felt something. Heard things I couldn't understand. But even though I didn't know what the words were, I felt their meaning. I couldn't understand it, but I felt it. It meant that I needed to leave this place, I needed to get back, needed to remember!

I fought hard at the restraining, heavy metal fog. I fought until my body ached, fought until the metal turned to mist and the fog was just fog again.

I fought till I reached the light, reached the air. I fought until I could feel again, hear clearly. I heard loud beeping, heard the shift of wind around outside, felt the air, smelled hospital smells. I was in the hospital.

I opened my eyes and sat up. There were so many machines around me, so many needles stuck in my arms, tubes connected to my face.

But then I heard it again, heard what made me realize, remember. Ronnie. I was Ronnie. The girl, Ryker, it was her tattoos, her wings, her snake, her eyes, her hair! It was Ryker.

The memories flooded back.

The street. It was night. Ryker was in the street. The car! The impact of the car hitting my body, the sound of Ryker screaming, and then the silence, the nothingness.

I needed her.

The sounds, they were the sound of sirens outside. The sound of doors being slammed open, the fast talking of doctors giving orders to nurses, the sound of wheels sliding across tile floors. How long ago had it been? Ages it felt like.

And somehow, I knew why I had woken up. Ryker was here. I needed Ryker!

I pulled at the needles, ripping off the gauze holding them in place and jerking them out of my skin. One needle out of my left arm, and the machines started going crazy, beeping alarms, screaming.

I pulled faster, ripping the other needles out. They were in the veins in the inside of my arm. It hurt to pull out, and I started bleeding, but I needed to see Ryker. I pulled the tubes out of my nose, taking off the breathing mask covering my mouth.

I stood up and started walking towards the door. Everything hurt. It felt awkward to walk, like my body didn't remember how to. I stumbled like a baby first learning to walk.

Nurses ran into the room, calmly speaking to me, telling me to get back in the bed, to calm down, to breathe. I shook my head, saying "Ryker, I need to see her, I need to see her!"

I pushed past them, stumbling, running through the halls, following the sounds in my memory. I peeked in rooms, searching for her. I needed her, where was she?

The nurses ran after me, yelling, and others joined in. Doctors, nurses, concerned visitors, all chased after me. I grabbed the wall and held it as I ran, holding myself up. A few tubes trailed behind me. I guess I had forgotten to take out some needles, and had ripped them from the machines.

Finally, I opened a door, and there she was.

Jacky? Jacky was sitting next to her, holding her. Why? She was crying. Why was she crying? I heard sniffles and whimpers, wails and heavy breathing. What had hurt her?

She looked horrible. Her eyes were swollen, her face covered in cuts. Her forehead was bashed, a large bruise spread around a large cut. Her arms were wrapped in bloody bandages.

But she was so beautiful. So beautiful.

Her eyes met mine, and all the sounds fell away. I didn't hear the doctors and nurses yelling for me outside the door. I didn't hear sirens, didn't hear the visitors outside. All I could hear was my crazy heartbeat, my heavy breathing.

And all I could see was her.

Jacky pulled away and looked at me in shock. But I didn't have time to talk. I needed Ryker.

I stumbled over, leaning onto the bed. Ryker was here, right in front of me. She was alive, she was here, and she was so god-damn beautiful.

She pulled the tubes from her nose and threw her arms around me, pulling me down to her. She was crying, I was crying, and she was holding me and I was holding her.

I pulled away a bit and stared into her eyes. How could I have forgotten her face, she was so beautiful. How could I have forgotten those eyes, those lips? Lips, soft red lips that felt wonderful against mine.

I leaned into her and kissed her hard, trying to give her all my love from our time apart. How long had we been separated? It didn't matter anymore, I had her back.

She kissed back harder, raking her fingers in my hair and pulling, biting my lips, passionate and needy.

I had Ryker back, she was in my arms, and everything was perfect.

Tragic Magic (Ronnie Radke Love Story) [Book 2-sequel to The Drug In Me]Where stories live. Discover now