6. Cops

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****Aah I kinda wish this story could be like made as part of a Criminal Minds episode. This ones kinda short sorry****

I didn't know what I could do. The nurses refused to let anyone visit me. They said I was unstable and that visitors would just mess me up and stress me out too much. They said I couldn't 'handle it'.

I tried my best to argue my way through it, but every time I got too 'excited' they would give me a injection and knock me out.

It was all because of Him. He messed with me, changed my medical files to make me out to be a psychotic, dangerous girl with lots of mental problems. I was a high-risk, high-maintenance patient.

I've been alone in this room for 3 days now. I haven't been able to see Ronnie or anyone. I felt like I was suffocating without him.

Finally, after I had given up on ever having a visitor, I found myself getting just that-visitors. I guess not exactly, because they were cops, but it was still nice to be with someone other than myself and the cold nurse. I recognized one of the men as the guy from the night He almost took me.

The first one spoke to me, saying "Im SSA Hotchner, you might remember me-" he started, and I nodded. Oh..not cops then, FBI or some special shit.

"This is Dr. Reid and SSA Morgan. The nurses kept telling us that you weren't in the condition to talk to us, but it's been so long, and we need to figure out what happened" Hotchner told me, and Dr. Reid stood next to me, leaning down and looking into my face. He struggled with taking off the restraints, but he couldn't do it, so Morgan came over and undid it for me. I smiled gratefully and sat up.

Morgan brought in a few chairs and they sat down and then I prepared myself for releasing what I had been holding in for 6 years.

They started asking questions, and eventually I just kept talking without them asking. I just let it all pour out. I made them promise not to let the press know at all.

I was crying throughout it all, and when I was done, I sniffled and rubbed my eyes. They thanked me and walked out. Hotchner peeked his head back in and said "one more thing......" and then he opened the door wider and Ronnie came running in, sitting down and throwing himself down and giving me a hug. I started crying again, throwing myself up at him, resting my head on his shoulder.

I looked up and smiled thanks to Hotchner. He nodded to me, looking serious as ever, but his lips turned up a bit before he shut the door.

I was so happy. I really needed Ronnie. I hadn't seen him for 3 days, I was falling apart and he wasn't there to help me. But now, he was here, and it was fucking amazing, especially after having to talk to the cops.

He held me tight in his arms for a bit, just slowly rocking me and holding me and it was so nice and I was kissing his cheeks and his neck and clutching his hair in my hands and he was stroking my back. For once was I was crying because I was happy. All the fear, all the sadness faded away, dimmed. It didn't hurt so much.

As Ronnie held me, I felt like maybe I would be free of Him.

But something haunted the back of my mind.

I was going to have to go back to the pit with the cops.

I would have to face Him one last time.

Tragic Magic (Ronnie Radke Love Story) [Book 2-sequel to The Drug In Me]Where stories live. Discover now