58. Concert

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**** thanks to all who are still reading! Here's a little relief for you all, a drug-free chapter ****

When I woke up, the needle was digging into my side, sending sharp jolts of pain through me.

Fuck, I had slept with the hoodie on, and everything still in it! W-what if the baggie fell out, or the needle had been digging into Ronnie's side, not mine?!! I would've been done for!

I sat up quickly and sifted through my clothes, finding my pencil case at the very bottom of my bag.

I threw the packet in, and the needle, and then I shook the bag until the pencils, markers, and erasers were covering them completely.

Fuck, that was too close....

I sighed and put a hand to my heart, as if my palm could calm it's scared, beating thud.

I pulled off my hoodie and frowned. I could get away with wearing short sleeves for a while, because my forearm was still scarred up from the hospital.

For now I could use the excuse that my vein was still sore and my forearm was still bruised and red from the IVs, but in a week or so I wouldn't be able to get away with saying that....

I pulled on a long sleeved Pierce The Veil shirt, grateful that it was almost December so it would be cold enough to wear long sleeves and sweaters without trouble or suspicion.

I lost track of where we were, but it had been a few days since I had been to the guys' shows because I was 'still recovering' from my wounds. The doctor had said no stressful environments or heavy lifting, so Ronnie hadn't let me come.

But my arm was nearly recovered, and my ribs had softened to a dull, barely-there thud pain, so I decided that today I would go to the concert. Today would be completely focused on merch, and friends, Ronnie and the guys, nothing else.

I stood up and walked to the bathroom, taking a quick shower and putting my piercings in. I put in 3 lip rings and my septum, deciding to use all my piercing holes today. Sometimes I only wore 1 or 2 lip ones, but today I felt like going the full.

I sprayed on some perfume and blow dried my hair, styling it so that it flared out a little bit in the back. I picked up Ronnie's scarf that he had given to me in court-I hadn't given it back to him yet...and probably never will- and lay it across my neck.

I nodded in the mirror and tried to smile. I looked alright I guess....

I unlocked the door and walked to the kitchen, where Jacky was sitting quietly reading something on his phone.

I pulled out some cereal and poured myself a bowl, saying a hello to Jacky. Jacky nodded a hello back, and we sat in companionable silence.

Ronnie came in shirtless, busying himself and grabbing something from the fridge. "Morning babe" he said to me, kissing my head softly before walking off to lift weights in the morning like he always did. I blushed, and Jacky grinned at me, amused.

I would never get used to being so casually close with them....I think sometimes they forgot I was a fan, and then they would find me listening to their songs and remember that I was just a fangirl before I was their friend.

The day went by pretty quickly-I sold merch for a few hours, and took Echo and Luna out for coffee for an hour or so, then I headed back to the bus to meet the guys. Soon enough, it was time to get ready for the show, and I shifted my feet in excitement.

Ronnie noticed me following them out, and he turned to talk to me. "Ry, get Luna or Echo, or both, to come over and you guys can play video games or watch a movie" he said to me, and then leaned in for a kiss.

Tragic Magic (Ronnie Radke Love Story) [Book 2-sequel to The Drug In Me]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя