97. Discovering Secrets

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**** Ahh the story is drawing to a close you guys! I can't believe it, it feels like just last week I started The Drug In Me, and now here we are, near the end of the second book! I just want to thank each and every one of you for sticking through all the feels and shit and just staying with this story, reading, voting and commenting, it means the world to me.

I love each and every one of you, and a big thank you to all of you, I couldn't possibly do it without you. So thank you so much to everyone. I hope you enjoy, and when this book is over, it may be a few days but rest assured that there is a 3rd book in progress, you can't escape me or this book, like Ronnie so eloquently put it, '[I'm] Herpes because I'm back!'. ****

The night went like any other, with us dodging Diablo and trying to make as much money as possible. I had finished my rounds for the day, but Nikki was stuck, having trouble getting away from her group. So I sent a look to make sure Diablo was distracted, and then instead of going to serve drinks, I made my way to Nikki to see if I could help.

I walked over there smoothly, acting like I was exactly where I was supposed to be instead of breaking the rules and not going to my job serving drinks. When I got closer, I noticed one of Nikki's clients 'stealthily' hiding his cell phone or something near his collar. Perv was probably filming everything!

That's the one rule that applies to every single girl here-no filming. Some of us, like Nikki and I, didn't let our clients touch us, but all of us girls agreed that there was to be no filming, even Diablo agreed with us, saying we were 'his girls' and no one else's. He probably just didn't want anyone filming so they could see us after hours and not have to come to see us here again and pay more.

That little motherfucker thought he could just break the rules and get away with it? No fucking way, especially not to my little Nikki. And hearing what the guys were saying just made it all the worse, they were disgusting.

"Aw come on sexy kitty, give us one more dance?"

"Yeah, come on kitty, purr and roll onto your back why don't you?"

"We'll play with you real good, I promise."

I tried not to stomp over, instead lightly stepping in front of Nikki and blocking their view, unable to help but stare down the boy with his cell-phone camera pointed at Nikki's body. I could see the little light coming from the lens, the little fucker.

"Excuse me sir, I'm sorry but her shift is over. You will have to pay more to see more, and it will be from someone else" I said, looking at each man in turn, ignoring their cries of complaint and such. Then I turned back to the one recording.

"Sir," I said, putting my arms on my hips and reaching one hand behind me to hold Nikki's hand. "There's a no recording rule here. We are a night club, not an amateur porno site. You'll have to turn your camera off and delete the video" I said to him, adding a "please" at the end. Not that I could salvage these customers anyways, they were furious with me. I ruined their 'fun' and they weren't happy about it.

"W-what?" the man said. He was younger than the others, not a day over 21, and he was obviously a follower to the other two, who were probably closer to their 30's and the type of guys to brag about how many bitches they got to their friends, while they were at home alone, jacking off to pictures from Playboy.

The older ones glared at me, saying "I think you're mistaken."

"He doesn't have a camera, we're not recording anything, just trying to get our money's worth out of this little tease." They sent a hostile glare across my shoulder to Nikki, who shrunk farther behind me, hiding her head in my back.

I glared right back at them, drawing Nikki even closer to me protectively, squeezing her hand before crossing my arms across my chest.

"Sirs, you came to a night club, not a prostitution ring, of course we're all 'teases' to you. We dance, we don't fuck or give any physical sexual favors, we let you use your imagination for that. And all due respect, I'm sorry, but I am not mistaken. I can see the light from the lens. Please, just turn the camera off, it's against the rules, and if you refuse, I'm going to have to ask you to leave, and you won't be welcome back here. We dance for you as long as you respect us, we have only one rule, and you are breaking it" I said, trying to keep my composure and not punch the nearest man who was leering at me, his face scrunched up into a hideous smirk.

Tragic Magic (Ronnie Radke Love Story) [Book 2-sequel to The Drug In Me]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora