91. Who Let The Cat In

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**** another picture (if it shows up that is) that's a more toned down example of Rykers belly-dancing outfit.

I know some of you are sick of the club life and just want Ryker back with Ronnie, but 1) if this book was just constant romance then it would be boring as fuck and most people wouldn't read it, and 2) this book is about more than just Rynnie, it's about losing yourself and finding yourself, making mistakes and living with them, learning as you make mistakes, and the affects of drugs and pain on a person. It's not just a love story.

But when this book is over (soon) the next book will be no more strip clubs, no more casinos, none of that. It'll be about sober life and Ronnie and such. So just bear with me please ****

I woke up stiffly from the couch, rubbing my head.

Last night really happened. I overdosed and almost died, and now Diablo was treating me like his little bitch. I didn't like it. But what could I do? Leave? And go where?

I had nowhere to go! I couldn't go back to Ronnie, he didn't want me. And I had no one else! Luna and Echo were close to Ronnie, so I couldn't go to them. I had no one, I had nowhere to go!

I got up slowly, hearing voices below me and aware that I had slept in. Everyone else was already up and downstairs getting ready, and I was up here being a lazy fucking bum.

I injected a bit of heroin quickly, not wanting to wait to feel the withdrawal. I grabbed a ecstasy pill and put it in a loop of my bra, so that it could be kept in a pocket between 2 coined sequins in my costume so I could take it before I went out.

I stood up shakily and went to pour myself a glass of water from the bathroom sink. I drank it quickly and walked over to the stairs, less shaky now.

I heard the sound of girls fussing over something, and as I climbed down the stairs to the dressing room, I saw a gaggle of girls all huddled around one vanity, fussing over someone. I couldn't see through the crowd to who it was. I slinked through a few of them to get to my vanity.

I got dressed quickly, less self conscious now that I had been here for 3 or so months. I was used to it by now, though I still refuse to change in front of Diablo, especially now that I knew what a wanker he was.

I looked in the vanity mirror and frowned. I had dark circles under my eyes, a red mark on my temple from hitting my head on the wall, and a bruise on my arm from where Diablo had clenched his hands, long lines in the outline of where his fingers had been.

I pulled my arm band higher up until it covered the bruises, and I used some of the neighboring girls foundation to cover the red mark on my temple. She was one of the girls huddled over one vanity, still fussing over the mysterious girl, so she wouldn't even know I took it.

I coated my eyes with black eye shadow, adding expressive gold around it to make me look like a more hardcore version of an Egyptian princess. Punk goes Egyptian. I put on purple lipstick and then I sat back, done.

No marks to be seen. I tried to smile in the mirror, but it looked more like a grimace.

Bored now, I started to listen in on the girls fussing, curious as to why they were all crowded in that one spot.

"Oh she's just darling isn't she!"

"She's such a cute little thing"

"So small."

"If she just let us fix up her makeup, she could look less Halloween-y and more sexy!"

Through all this, the girl in the middle was quiet.

And then,


I pushed through all the girls until I got to the center, seeing a small, very small girl standing up and glaring all around her.

Tragic Magic (Ronnie Radke Love Story) [Book 2-sequel to The Drug In Me]Where stories live. Discover now