61. Slippery When Wet

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****Don't give up on this story, or me, please don't ahhh. ****

The whole ride back, there was a certain ecstasy in the air, hovering over us, pulling our lips into smiles, easing our minds into elated happiness. Ronnie held on to my hand, resting them on his leg.

We often turned to each other smiling, and then I would tell Ronnie to watch the road and blush as he looked away.

The rain hadn't eased up; it was pouring down harder than ever. The road was probably slippery-but I hadn't thought of that. I just assumed it would all be okay, Ronnie was a good driver, and I was in too much of a good mood to worry.

Maybe I should have worried, maybe then things wouldn't have turned out like they did.

It seemed to be perfect, not like anything could go wrong. We seemed on top of the world, un-defeatable, unreachable.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

Ronnie had turned to smile at me again, then taking a turn. He was going under the speed limit, as you're supposed to when the weather is bad, but that can't always save you.

We took the turn, and there was a huge puddle of water in the road. It splashed around us, hitting the windows and flying up onto the top of the car.

The car slipped and skidded. Time started slowing down it seemed, and fear so easily replaced the elation we had felt just a second ago.

Ronnie tore his hand from mine and gripped the steering wheel with both hands, and jerked the steering wheel just as we almost collided with the railing. We had been crossing a bridge, and I didn't want to think about what would've happened if Ronnie hadn't pulled the car away in time.

It seemed that we had gotten through unscathed, but we weren't the only ones crossing the bridge, and whoever they were, they weren't as fast in reacting as Ronnie was. They slammed against the railing and then swerved uncontrollably, heading right into us.

I screamed, and Ronnie slammed on the brakes, skidding and swirling, but not stopping in time. The car slammed into the front of Ronnie's car, bending it and crumpling it.

The airbags exploded out, slamming us backwards, and our cars were still sliding across the bridge, crossing it and skidding to a halt down the road.

The car had crumpled in such a way that mine and Ronnie's legs were stuck, and I was scared to move them, feeling the broken car digging into my legs, cutting in. I felt a wetness sliding down my knees, and I knew I was bleeding. My head had slammed into the window when the car had hit us, and it was bruised, but not bleeding.

I turned over to look at Ronnie. I think his head had smacked into the steering wheel when the car hit us, and his head was still resting on it. I reached my hand out to take his, but it was limp. I started panicking, and I shook his shoulder. His read rolled off the steering wheel and lolled to the side.

H-he-he was unconscious? W-was he okay? Oh fuck, this could be all my fault.....! I-if I hadn't distracted him, I-If I had made him-!

"Ronnie! Ronnie!" I screamed, leaning over. I bit my lip and whimpered as I twisted my legs so that I could get closer to Ronnie. I grabbed his shoulders and turned him to me, staring into his beaten up face. He had a split on his forehead, and a gash on his cheek. Blood was dribbling out of his nose.

I leaned into him, laying my head on his shoulder and crying. H-he had to be okay! He had to! Fuck, I-I couldn't handle this, I couldn't.

I heard a knocking sound and saw someone leaning over through the broken window.

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