13. Back Performing

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****For some reason wattpad sucks at adding youtube videos to this, so I'm sorry. I wanted to add a video of FIR playing live at the Rockin Roots Im Not A Vampire 2012 video because it's the video that made me get the idea for this chapter****

We were driving for a few hours, and you the time we pulled into where the buses were, you could hear the other bands already performing.

Warped was over, obviously, but Falling In Reverse was going to the Rockin Roots tour too, and had missed a few months of that because of me. I felt bad, but also kind of flattered.

The guys rushed to finish getting ready, and then I was pulled out of the bus, swept up by Ronnie, and rushed to the venue. When we drew close, it sounded like people were already performing on our set.

I felt a bad thing coming on.....

We walked through the sides of the crowd and got to the stage, and I knew I was right about something bad happening. Of all the bands that could be taking over out set, why of all the choices did it have to fucking be Escape The Fate?

Max was standing there apologetically, and Ronnie nodded to him. Then Craig looked over and saw us, and he pulled the microphone up to his mouth. "Well well well, look who decided to show up. 2 months of not coming and now you decide to come to your own shows" he said, smirking a bit. Ronnie walked forward, grabbing the microphone from Max's stand. I grabbed his arm to stop him, and took the mic from his hand.

"Hey Craig, long time no see. Remember when we last met? Heh heh, good fucking times. Now give me a few months to get my muscles back, and we can have a little déjà vu moment, how about that?" I said, getting in his face and shoving him.

Ronnie pulled me back and took the mic back. He sighed deeply in the mic like he was tired, and then he said "you know Craig, the girl I love just got out of the hospital after being missing for almost half of a year, so I'm just not feeling your shit right now. So you can fucking get the hell out" Ronnie said, walking past him and shuffling back and forth, getting ready to perform. I waved to Max and then I jumped down by security to watch the show.

Ronnie had called me the girl he loved, into the microphone, in front of hundreds of people, a lot of whom were probably filming and would share and upload the videos when they got home. He-he told hundreds of people that he loved me...I couldn't help but grin and blush. Could it be true?

A few fans screamed with Ronnie, glad that he was here. A few flipped him off, and I quickly returned the favor to them. I thought Ronnie might be in a bad mood cause of the run in with Craig, but he looked fine, hyper even.

When all of ETF's stuff had been removed and FIR's equipment was set up, Ronnie rolled his shoulders and moved the mic stand away from him. I guess he was planning on moving around stage a lot.

He held the microphone, the wire trailing at his feet, and Ryan started to play, Jacky and Derek joining in soon after. This was the first time I had heard Derek play, and it was pretty damn good.

After being cooped up in the hospital, and the p.........It felt good to have so much room, so much air. It was an outside set, which I was happy about because the meant that I wouldn't feel so hot and crowded and uncomfortable because I could see the sky and there was lots of fresh air.

And now that I'm thinking about it, Ronnie's ADD is probably really bad right now. He had stayed in the hospital with me for the entirety of my stay, and he had been in the hospital in a coma before that, it's been a long time since he's been able to let it out. Then this would be one hell of a show.

I recognized the song as Situations, and I started swaying and moving around to the music. It felt good, and my grin was getting bigger with every song they played. I got a bit hot, but other than that I was actually doing pretty well.

Ronnie was being a fucking spaz, and I just kept blushing when I thought of how he said he loved me. He was running around, slipping and sliding on the stage, flinging his mic around and catching it.

He didn't seem to be getting tired at all. In fact, he seemed to be getting even more hyper. I'm Not A Vampire started playing, and he was still at it, spinning the mic in the air, running around, sliding on the stage.

A while into the song, Ronnie walked to the right side of stage and said "motherfuckers" into the mic, spinning and tossing it away. He threw his middle fingers up and then he ran across stage, did a cartwheel, slipped, turned around and slide back across the stage, slipping and falling to the floor. But he didn't get up. No. Instead, he started spinning on the ground, breakdancing.

I grinned up at him and he spun around and got to his feet, sliding and then slipping and holding onto the raised podium and breathing deeply. He caught my eye and smiled breathlessly. I nearly died, because it made my heart stop, he was too gorgeous.

And he said he loved me. 

Tragic Magic (Ronnie Radke Love Story) [Book 2-sequel to The Drug In Me]Where stories live. Discover now