99. Forced Rescue

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**** oh my fuck you guys this is the second to last chapter, the next chapter is the end of this book ahhh. Thank you all for being with me in this great adventure! I hope you all know that I pour my heart and soul into every single chapter. Love you all, my beauties <3

So who is the person? I've given you the choice between 2 people in the picture (if you can see it). Some of you guessed, one person (that I can clearly recall, maybe others did too) said the persons name amongst their guesses. And damn, I should have made it Charlie, shouldn't I have? ;) xD

So, is it Andy or Ashley? I'd like to hear your guesses before you read on and find out for yourselves 

my wattpad is being mean and not letting me reply to your comments, sorry :/ But i will read them and smile because i love all of your guys' comments, they make my day :) I just wont be able to reply :( ****

~3rd Person ~

The man was talking animatedly on the phone, using his hands as he talked even though the other person on the line couldn't see him. They were talking rather heatedly, both trying to make sense to the other, and after a few more moments, the man hung up, shaking his head.

He took a sip of his Jack and stood up, bypassing the shiny, promiscuous young lady that was heading his way, leaving her standing there confused.

He started walking around the club, searching for another glimpse of Ryker.


I leaned against the wall, hidden away in an empty booth at the very front of the club.

Fuck, had he seen me, or hadn't he? I couldn't risk just walking around openly now, I had no idea where he was, if he was moving or still at his seat.

I had no idea, and if I ran into him, he would surely find a way to convince me to come back with him, and I couldn't! I couldn't, I couldn't do it. I couldn't go back.

I couldn't go back, it would be torture. And I couldn't leave Nikki, no fucking way. I could take her with, but I couldn't face the others, not after all I had done.

And besides, they didn't even want me back. Or at least Ronnie didn't, and he was the one I would care the most about being around. I couldn't go back only to be ignored by him. I don't know which would be worse, fighting with him, or being ignored by him.... but maybe I do.

Being ignored is probably worse, because it would mean he didn't care at all about me anymore.

If he was fighting with me, it would mean he still cared and wanted me to change, hence the arguing. But if he ignored me, it meant he wanted absolutely nothing to do with me ever again.

But if I was hiding here, then who was taking care of Nikki?

Fuck, aw fuck. Fine, I had to risk it. I couldn't leave Nikki out there alone, she was probably wondering where I was and why I hadn't checked in on her in such a long time.

I stood up carefully, and was immediately cornered in the booth, pressing myself against the wall and looking at the man.

He crossed his arms and took a step towards me.

"Ryker, we've all been worried, wondering where you were! We were all waiting to see if you would end up on the news as a found body or something. Why didn't you check in? You could have talked to any of us, even if you didn't want to talk to Ronnie. You could have come to one of us, we would have helped you!" he said.

He was looking at me with confusion, like he was trying to figure out my thinking process, wondering how I thought running away was a good idea.

I knew it was a bad thing to do, but it was my best option! I couldn't go to rehab, couldn't to back to rehab, not after all that had happened. I couldn't go through that again, I just couldn't.

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