96. An Unexplainable Bond

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**** I felt like updating again! So here we have it hehe XD I may have exactly 100 chapters, maybe a tad more, probably not any less though. Ive got to move this along then though cause I'm running out of time eh. 

Anywho I got off track sorry, here ya go ****

I woke up to Nikki having a death grip on my bicep, clutching to it like it was the only thing keeping her from disappearing back to her grandfather. It hurt a bit, but I didn't really mind, because it made her feel better, made her happier. And that's all I want, to make her feel better, to make her happy.

She's like my little sister, and already I love her to death. And I want to look after her, I do look after her.

She looked so sweet sleeping there, her eyes softly closed, her lips slightly parted, the barely-audible sound of her breath puffing in and out. But if we wanted to get dressed before Diablo stormed up her like he always seems to do now that Annie is gone, we had to get up now.

I think he came up partly to check if we were still here, and partly to get a glimpse of us naked. Which I would not let happen, ever.

He's an arse-hat, and he blames me for Annie leaving, said I poisoned her against me. He's sort of right, but it was more his doing and less mine. But it's not like he would believe that, he's a self-involved prick.

He only acts like that because he feels like he needs to compensate for lacking in other, ahem, areas. He wishes his dick was as big as his ego, the bloody mongrel.

I gently pried Nikki's hand from it's vise-hold on my arm, and shook her softly. But she just mumbled and rolled on to her back, cuddling the pillow around her face.

I smiled and kissed her forehead softly, tiptoeing out of the room so she could sleep more. We still had time before Diablo came up, I couldn't help but let her sleep, she looked so sweet and comfortable, I didn't want to ruin it.

Maybe she was dreaming of a better life, and if I woke her up she would be sad and disappointed that she was here.

Sometimes I dream that none of this happened and I was back at Warped, without Him, just happy. I dreamed that I didn't fuck things up with Ronnie, that we had a healthy, happy more-than-friends friendship.

But most of the time, I just dreamed of the night I left. It haunted me, and I relived every moment of it every night. It was even worse than a nightmare because those are scary but at last they weren't real.

But this, this was real, this happened, and it was more painful and horrifying to me than any dinosaur or zombie nightmare I could ever have. Because it was real. It happened. And I couldn't forget it, not ever.

It would forever haunt my mind, no matter what I do. I could never escape it. No amount of drugs or booze could ever drown it out completely. I was doomed to always be haunted by everything that had happened.

And maybe I deserved that. Maybe I did. I probably did.

But I had to be strong for Nikki, I have to be strong for her.

I quietly padded to the bathroom and did all my business, shaving, washing my face, brushing my teeth, and then I slipped on my costume.

The bruises from when Diablo grabbed my arm had faded away, but the red mark on my temple from hitting the wall was still, just-barely noticeable, no longer a bump, just a small spot. I covered it up with makeup and did my eyes with heavy black makeup, sprinkling gold on my face so that it shimmered a bit.

Diablo said I was 'too serious looking' with my dark makeup, saying that I needed to add more color. So naturally, I started using black lipstick instead of red.

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