98. Not-So-Blast From The Past

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**** Heyo guys, I'm back!!! ^,^

I hope you enjoy. Surprise surprise, who finds her? ****

I woke up at 6 pm, giving us 2 hours before we had to work. I should get up, but I didn't feel like moving.

I had fallen asleep stiffly, my head against the headboard, my legs laying on the bed. Nikki was curled up, hugging my leg, her head still resting in my lap.

I ruffled her hair a bit and smiled down at her, feeling my heart fill up halfway seeing her holding on to me like that.

I didn't move a bit, not wanting to disturb her sleep. I just watched her sleeping, just like I did when I slept with Ronnie.

Ronnie.....I miss you Ronnie.... I miss all of you.... Ronnie, Jacky, Ryan, Derek, Max, Luna, Echo, Andy.... I miss you guys....

I let Nikki wake up on her own, not doing anything to hurry it up.

Eventually she started to shift in her sleep, pulling herself up on her elbows and yawning, blinking and looking at me sleepily.

"Morning beauty" I said to her, ruffling her hair and grinning.

I pulled my legs out from under her, moving and walking to the bathroom while she woke up more.

I finished quickly, getting dressed and doing my makeup before going to the fridge to find her something to eat.

I found an apple in a drawer, but it was brown and mushy, not good-looking at all.

I found a nutrition bar and grabbed it, sighing. I sat down on the couch, leaning my head in my hands.

I missed Ronnie, and I missed everyone who had been a part of that great time I had after court, right before I started ruining everything.

But I would never see them again, so why should I bother thinking about them? It was no use! And yet, I can't help it....they were always on my mind.

I stayed there frozen, half in this world half in my memory, reliving all of my past before I turned it all to shit.

I didn't hear Nikki go to the bathroom, or get ready. I didn't notice her come in, or see her when she stood in front of me, staring down at me.

I didn't hear her call me, barely felt her hand on my shoulder. But when she knelt down in front of me and put her cool hands on my face, I finally snapped out of it, jumping and starting in surprise.

"Are you alright?" she asked me, her eyebrows knitted together cutely.

"Oh, yeah, sorry. Just the past, you know" I said to her, shrugging.

She sat next to me, still staring. "Well actually, I don't. You haven't told me much other than what happened before you were arrested. I don't know anything about how prison was, and what happened afterwards" she said softly, looking at me apologetically, like she was treading on thin ice and she knew it.

She kind of was, but not in the way she thought. I wasn't mad at her for saying it, wasn't all that upset at all really. It wasn't her fault, and she was only curious, and she had told me about her.

"Yes, I guess you're right, sorry. What do you want to know?" I leaned my head on my hands, staring straight ahead.

She lay her hand on my knee and squeezed gently, trying to comfort me. I smiled a bit for her but quickly sighed and leaned back against the couch.

"Whatever you want to say" she said, and I shrugged.

"I mean, it was all over the news, though most of it was completely a lie. Someone who was supposed to help me took advantage of his power and raped me, beating me to keep me quiet. When I was released, he found me and continued with his pleasures.

"I started working as a merch girl for Falling In Reverse, and he got jealous of my closeness with Ronnie. So long story short, he took me away, kept me in a hole in the ground. I escaped after four and a half months, so they say, ran away, was found and brought to a hospital. Ronnie found me and I was brought back on tour with him. I had to go to court and they nearly let him go, but eventually they found him guilty and he was sentenced to 20+ years in prison"

I took a breath and looked at her, not going to say anything else. But she looked so intent on listening to me, her eyes staring directly at me.

I couldn't just leave her without explaining part of the rest, it wasn't fair.

"But I had nightmares about Him every night, and I couldn't get over it. So I turned to drugs and alcohol, which strained my relationship with Ronnie. And eventually I pushed it too hard, he got mad, we fought, and I ran away. And you know the rest, now I'm here" I said, not going into detail. I couldn't handle it if I did..

I had spent so much time telling her, that when I finished, it was time for work. We were nearly late, we had to rush downstairs.

The whole night I was trying to suppress my memories while I worked, but I was doing a right foul job at it.

It was nearing the end of the night when Dazzle sauntered over to me, smirking a bit.

"There's someone in the back table who looks more of your type, leather and long hair. Care to claim him? If you don't, I will, I do love a bad boy, even if he does look a bit like a girl" she said, winking at me.

"I guess I'll have him be my last dance, thanks" I said, slinking over there, sneaking a quick sip of a some neon green drink from a girl as I walked.

I got to the back and nearly gasped when I saw who it was.

It wasn't just anybody.

I saw them look up for a split second right as I darted away, hiding behind other people until I got to the other end of the room.

That was close, imagine what would have happened if he had seen me for sure, talked to me!

~3rd Person~

The man had seen Ryker, though she didn't know it. And even with that small glimpse, he had a good idea as to who she was.

He pulled out his phone and quickly dialed a number, waiting anxiously for someone to pick up so he could tell them that he had found her. He had found Ryker.

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