37. Freedom for the Deserving

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****are y'all happy? I hope so! haha so He's gone, off to prison now. She's safe from Him....but not from herself...... just a heads up oops you'll understand later. Hope you enjoy the chapter, it's a bit repetitive but I made it that way because of course Ryker is transfixed on the fact that she's free***

Ronnie spun me around a few times and then he set me down. I leaned up and crashed my lips against his, reveling at the fact that for the first time I could freely kiss him and not worry about what punishment would come to us afterwards. I no longer had to worry about Him, and I was damn well going to enjoy it.

Ronnie was surprised, but he kissed back, wrapping his strong arms around me and pulling me closer to him, until our bodies were crashing together.

I felt alive. I didn't feel like walking death anymore, didn't feel like a living corpse. I felt alive. I was alive. And I was going to stay alive!

I resisted burying my hands in his hair and pulling, not sure if we should be doing that in the middle of a court room.

Ronnie pulled away and I smiled, leaning into him. "Im free" I whispered again, unable to comprehend it. I couldn't believe it!

I kissed him again, softly, and then I ran over to Spencer, throwing myself into his arms and hugging him hard. "Thank you so much!" I said to him, eternally grateful. He blushed and hugged me back awkwardly, unsure what to do. He didn't know where to put his hands, and he settled on my waist, loosely holding me, hardly even touching me.

I pulled away, relieving him of his awkward uncertainty, and smiled at him, tears in my eyes. But this time, I was crying because I was so relieved, so happy.

The guards tried to escape, knowing they would be in trouble for accepting money from Him in return for not saying anything, but Morgan and Hotchner came in and blocked both the doors, and the 2 guards were handcuffed and pulled out of the room by the other security guards.

I scrambled over to Morgan and Hotchner and thanked them. When I hugged Morgan, he hugged back easily, but Hotchner, like Spencer, wasn't sure what to do. I know it was because he was oh-so-serious and wasn't sure if he should show emotion and hug back or not. He settled for using one hand and laying it on my back.

I pulled away and smiled gratefully at them. "Hey, if you're ever back in town, give me a call maybe? I'd like to be able to know how you are" Spencer said, clearing his throat awkwardly and scratching the back of his head. I nodded and hugged him again, and then they all walked over to the judge to talk things over I guess.

I grinned and ran back over to Ronnie, where the others had gathered. Janey grinned and hugged me, and then I jumped into Max's arms, sobbing and laughing, overcome with emotions. I hugged Ryan and Derek, and then I loosely, lightly hugged Jacky, careful of his crutches and hurt arm.

I grinned and jumped back to Ronnie's waiting arms, and he spun me around again. I couldn't contain myself, I was so relieved. For the first time in nearly 5 years I didn't have to worry about Him, about what would happen to me and anyone close to me. I was fucking free!

The whole time, He was yelling and screaming and arguing, but He couldn't do anything to me anymore. He was gone to prison for 30 years or more!

Mr. Cryle was handcuffed and brought out of the room, and soon it was just 3 security guards versus Him. He yelled and shook His arms around, incoherently yelling.

"You've made a terrible mistake! I haven't done anything wrong! When I get my hands on you bitch you're dead! You hear me, dead! DEAD!" He screamed at the court, then at me.

But I didn't let it paralyze me like it had before. He couldn't hurt me anymore.

Ronnie took my hand and held it as we walked out of court, everyone fanning out around me and talking excitedly.

"Well, that was nothing like the Drug In Me Is You video.......I guess I got it wrong huh?" Ronnie joked, and I giggled, beside myself with happiness.

I was free! I was free!

I couldn't keep the grin off my face, and I kept giggling and looking over at Ronnie, brushing against him and smiling. I was free to do whatever I pleased! I no longer had to worry about being hurt or causing others to be hurt.

I was free!

We got outside and I grinned and looked up to the sky, closing my eyes and letting the sun soak into my skin and warm me. The world, it was such a beautiful place. I had never noticed it before, but now, He was gone, and I saw how beautiful life could be.

The sun, the trees, even the people were beautiful.

There were cameras all over the place, but I ignored the flashes and yells, just staring up at the sun and looking at Ronnie.

Ronnie caught my eye and smiled, grabbing my hand and beginning to spin me, dancing. I giggled and moved with him, and soon we were waltzing and spinning around the sidewalk, and I was laughing and giggling and Ronnie was making strange sounds as the beat to our dance and I couldn't stop smiling.

In that moment, everything, everything was perfect.

Tragic Magic (Ronnie Radke Love Story) [Book 2-sequel to The Drug In Me]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon