66. Lazy Days In A Daze

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****Im so sorry I know some to most of you guys want me to have Ryker tell Ronnie but I have other plans sorry! Just listen, and maybe you'll understand. I am sorry though.

The Drug In Me looked into the damaging affects of abuse.

This book, Tragic Magic, looks into the affects and effects of drug addiction.

And the next book, of which I haven't yet decided the title of, will look into the process of recovery, being sober and clean, and learning to love yourself again and letting yourself heal and get better.

So it's gonna be bad, just like it was bad in The Drug In Me, but it will get better. And I think when/if you stick around to see me through into the next book, you'll like it, and maybe it will all have been worth it, or maybe not. Thats up to you.

Thanks for reading my lovelies ****

3 hours later, that's exactly where Ryan, Jacky, and Derek found us: laying on the couch watching Full House.

Charlie had moved to the ground-I guess because it was cooler-so I had commandeered his part of the couch, laying across it with my head in Ronnie's lap, and my arm hanging off the couch to just barely brush against Charlie.

"Guys, seriously, how lazy can you be? There's so many things you could be doing, and this is what you choose?" Derek teased.

I was kind of hazy-about an hour ago I had crept to the bathroom and gotten another fix to last me for another 6 hours, and the guilt had eaten me up, but now I was just in a daze.

"Would you rather us be doing something else when you walk in?" Ronnie asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking.

I laughed and said "oh baby, yeah!" mimicking those really bad sex scenes with the overly dramatic girl moaning and talking 'dirty'.

Ronnie looked down at me, the smirk pulling his lips up farther.

And when I saw him, my heart fluttered, my stomach flipped, and for a moment I understood what those girls were going for when they acted like that...

Ryan stifled a laugh and Jacky licked his lips and looked away awkwardly. I gulped and looked down, embarrassed by my thoughts.

"Oh sorry, did you guys want to sit?" I asked, sweeping my legs to the floor, not having to worry about hitting Charlie because he had scrambled up and rushed over to the guys, begging for a pet or a rub.

They walked over and plopped down next to me, and soon I was squished between Ronnie and Ryan, both of whom were laughing at my uncomfortable pout.

I wriggled and rocked until I got out from between them, laying on the floor, huffing and panting dramatically.

I laughed and covered my face as Charlie came running over, slopping kisses all over my hands and face. I scrunched up my face, but although it was kind of gross, it was also enjoyable because I loved Charlie being so affectionate.

I bit my lip as I got an idea-but as soon as I thought of it I shot it down. But it was too late, I had already started talking.

"Hey, let's go swim in the pool!" I suggested, sitting up excitedly. I clapped my hands together, and then I realized what a mistake I'd made.

One: I didn't have a swimsuit so I'd have to go out in a bra. Two: I was hideous and they would see my body. And three: they would see the marks near my vein from injecting! I don't know if I could pull off just brushing it off as old wounds from IVs.

Fuck, what have I gotten myself into?

But they jumped at the idea, sitting up and going to Ronnie's room to borrow swim trunks.

Tragic Magic (Ronnie Radke Love Story) [Book 2-sequel to The Drug In Me]Where stories live. Discover now