78. Explicit

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**** due to many of you requesting this, I will be making a sex scene. So warning warning warning.

Attention attention everyone!

This is an explicit chapter that will contain Ryker and Ronnie having sex. So if you're uncomfortable with reading that then don't read this chapter, just skip it. You won't lose any important information by not reading this chapter.

To those who do read, I hope it's not horrible!

So welp, here we go then****

I glanced down quickly, biting my lip looking down at his junk.

Fuck, was that really-

He was bigger than I've seen-but I don't want to think about John, Ronnie is nothing like John. I want Ronnie, I want to have sex with Ronnie. And I never wanted that with John.

Ronnie. He wasn't really big, nor really small. I guess that's what he meant when he said his dick was 'average'.

It definitely wasn't green, that's for sure.

I blushed and turned back to Ronnie's face, kissing him again. His hands moved up, and soon I felt his fingers brushing my collarbone, and he pulled at the towel, softly making it come undone. It slipped from my body and fell to the floor at our feet.

This time Ronnie pulled away and looked me over, licking his lips a little.

Fuck, he couldn't possibly be turned on by my body.... Could he?

He didn't comment on the scars, for which I was extremely grateful. He just looked me down once and then looked back up at my eyes.

I blushed and he grabbed my hips, pushing me back on the bed. I scooted farther back and he crawled over me, kissing me hard.

I started out running my hands over his hips, then trailed them up his sides, moving to feel his chest. I took one hand and moved it to hold the back of his head so I could pull his hair, and I left the other to move and feel the slope of his back.

He moved his hands to hold my boobs, kneading them with his hands, and I shivered, groaning slightly, tugging his hair sharply. The foreplay lasted a while, so much so that I was surprised when he took it further. But I knew I was ready, and he could tell, with how much I was grinding against him, he could feel it.

He moved his hands down, gripping my hips before moving to hold my thighs. I shivered, tingling, and he moved them outwards, spreading my legs.

He positioned himself to where I could feel his dick prodding my vagina, and I shuddered, waiting.

How would it feel? Would it hurt more or feel good more? Fuck-!

He slowly pushed himself inside of me, and I gasped at the sudden sensation. He slipped his tongue into my mouth to distract me and didn't move, letting me get used to him inside me.

After a moment, I bucked my hips a little, and he took that as the okay to move. He pulled out slowly and then pushed inside me again, harder this time. I gasped again, this time in pleasure, and tugged his hair hard, biting his lip and digging my nails into his back.

He found a rhythm, hitting me just right every time, and soon I was moaning loudly, trying to tug his hair as hard as I could so he felt good too.

We didn't talk dirty, didn't talk at all; we were too busy moaning and kissing to say anything.

I poked at his side until he rolled us over and I sat up, bouncing and riding him. I rolled my hips to make him move inside me, and I moaned loudly, but Ronnie was definitely louder than me this time.

He gripped my hips and pulled me harder against him, and I started rocking on him, tracing my hands over his chest, raking my nails against his skin softly so that he shivered from my touch.

He flipped us over again and took my hands, holding my wrists in one hand and pulling my arms above my head. I was a little confused, but I let him do it, distracted by his lips, which were biting and sucking on my neck.

But then, as he held my arms above my head, my body stretched out and when he thrusted inside of me, he went farther than before, deeper. I moaned loudly, rolling my head to the side, raking my hands down his back, probably leaving long, angry red lines from my nails.

He moaned and bit down harder in my neck, and I squirmed, feeling a knot in my stomach.

What was this? This feeling?

He slammed inside me again and I moaned, tugging his hair, the knot in my stomach growing larger.

Was this what it felt like to orgasm?

He slipped deeper inside me, moving his lips to kiss mine again. He bit my lip and pulled it, and I shuddered, suddenly feeling the knot grow until it filled my whole body. I arched my back and then I felt relief, feeling myself release.

Fuck, I'd never felt that before. Did I cum too early? Shit!

I felt myself collapse back into the bed, and I moved both hands to pull Ronnie's hair, moving my lips to bite down Ronnie's neck.

I felt his movements get slower, more sloppy and jerking.

I bite down on his collarbone and tugged his hair hard, and then he released, pulling out and collapsing next to me.

I leaned over and grabbed a pair of underwear, pulling it on quickly.

I turned to see Ronnie pulling on some boxers, and then he turned to me and smiled, his hair laying against his head.

We were both sweating, and a shower probably would be a good idea, but I was tired beyond belief.

I lay back against the pillows and Ronnie lay back next to me.

I curled into him, laying a hand on his chest, and closed my eyes, exhausted.

Tragic Magic (Ronnie Radke Love Story) [Book 2-sequel to The Drug In Me]Where stories live. Discover now