22. Confessing Affections

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****Im just gonna repost a bunch of pictures of Ronnie sorry haha don't lie I know you like it ;) ****

I stared at Ronnie in disbelief. How could such an amazing man feel that way about me?

"B-but how could you love me? You're gorgeous, and talented, and a nice guy, you can sing and scream like no one else, you're amazing, and you're just, well, you! So how could you love me? Why?" I asked, trying to get him to see the truth. He thought I was some amazing person, but I wasn't, I was just plain, troublesome me!

"Ry, babe, -" my heart thudded as he spoke, calling me babe, and using the familiar nickname. How could one person do so much to me? I couldn't comprehend it, how could I love someone so much? After all that had happened, how I felt about Ronnie had never changed. Well, that's not true, my feelings did change-they got stronger. Every breath he takes makes me fall in love with him even more. It was crazy.

He kept talking, "I love you because you're my Ry. My friend, my babe, my beautiful love. You're sweet, funny, and gorgeous. You care about others before yourself, and you always try and help everyone that you can. You listen to me, you understand me in ways no one else can, and you make my heart do crazy things"

He took a breath and continued "You tell me the truth, for the most part, and you're not afraid to talk to me about things that most people would skirt around. You keep it real, you stay true to yourself. You know when I'm down and cheer me up, and you make me happy. You make me so goddamn fucking happy"

I looked at him without words. Just letting what he said sink in. How could I do that to him? How could I, of all people, be the one that Ronnie fell for?

"The real question is, how could you love me" Ronnie said, and my heart hurt. How could he not know?

"Ronnie love, how could you not know? You're an amazing person! All this time, through everything, you've always been there for me. Hell, you fucking saved me, so many times. Your music helped me a lot, and when I actually met you in real life and all, you just became more and more important to me. You made me laugh when everything hurt" I said.

I started tearing up a bit, and Ronnie grabbed my hand. I shivered a little and continued, "A-and when, H-He came back, you helped me through that. You took care of me, you cleaned me up, made sure that my wounds were taken care of. You helped me not give up on life. Even the very thought of you makes me feel safer and happier. You are the light in my crushing darkness, the hand that pulled me out of the abyss. Without you Id be dead.

Hell, you shielded me from a bullet. You helped me when He hurt me. And when I was alone in the...the pit, you were the reason I held on. H-He told me you were dead, but I told myself to hold on, not die because I didn't know for sure if you were dead. A-and if I hadn't...then I'd be dead and I'd never have seen you again. You kept me alive.

You let me sleep with you, and you held me in your arms and kept me warm and safe while I slept. You must have lost so much sleep because of my nightmares and night terrors, but you still never hesitated about bringing me to your bed and holding me until I calmed down and fell asleep. You are the single best person in the whole world, and there will never ever be someone that could come close to how wonderful you are"

Ronnie smiled at me, and I smiled at him. We had both explained our feelings and reasons. It had left me rather emotional, but I was happy. And I think Ronnie was too.

We were both smiling, both slowly moving closer to each other, leaning in. Our faces were getting closer and closer to each other, and we started moving faster.

Our lips had almost touched when the door clicked open.

We sprung away from each other and looked over to find an embarrassed, regretful Spencer and a smirking Morgan standing in the doorway.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we have to talk to you" Spencer said, and I nodded.

Spencer and Morgan took a seat.

I thought it was going to be something bad but bearable.

I had no idea what was coming.

Tragic Magic (Ronnie Radke Love Story) [Book 2-sequel to The Drug In Me]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora