41. Day In The Life

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**** love you all, stay strong and keep your head up because you're hella cute and hella rad and I love you ^,^

I feel like these chapters are getting rather boring, sorry, I'm just trying to delay the inevitable future turmoil for you guys ****

After a while, Ronnie sat up and we folded up the blanket and put the trash in a bag, making our way back to Warped. We were only a couple feet away, behind where the buses were parked.

We threw out the paper plates and then Ronnie picked me up again. I giggled loudly and hid my head in his neck, shaking with little ripples of laughs.

No matter what happened, I had Ronnie. And that was a very comforting thought. Even if we drifted and stopped being close, I would always have him in his music, his interviews, and memories of him.

It was almost concerning how much I've giggled today, but I don't really care. I seemed like a stupid, lovesick girl, but it's okay, because that's what I am.

I heard familiar voices and I turned my head to see Johnnie and Bryan walking over. Bryan spotted Ronnie and waved, and then he came over.

"Hey Ronnie! And........headless body. We're filming a day in the life at warped, so can you describe to us your normal day here at warped? You know, you wake up, bam, what's the first thing you do?" Bryan said, and I picked my head up and smiled at him, blushing.

"I untangle myself from Ry. I mean, she's a fucking sloth, she just clings and never lets go" Ronnie says, winking to me to let me know that he was only joking.

Bryan laughs, and I blush, hiding my face in Ronnie's shoulder once again. But I pick my head back up when I hear them talk more.

Bryan asks me what my name is, and I respond, telling him "Ryker".

His eyes flash, he recognizes my name.

"The Ryker, wow" Bryan said, and I started sweating, scared. He knew who I was, oh god if he brought anything up or asked-I'm sure he wouldn't-but if he did, oh fuck I would freak out.

"Yeah, Max has mentioned you in some interviews. And so has -err, yeah" he said to me, and I sighed in relief. Was that, did he backtrack and stop saying someone's name because Ronnie was here? I wonder if Craig had said anything about me, and that's why he stopped saying it.

"Oh, what has he said?" I asked, and Bryan smiled, glad to be off the hook after that mishap. "Oh, just stuff, guess you'll have to watch to find out" he joked, and I smiled a bit.

"Well, Bryan, we've got a show now. Thats the day in the life of Ronnie Radke, performing shows and letting my beautiful girl hang on me like a sloth" Ronnie said, and I blushed, waving to Bryan and Johnnie as Ronnie carried me away.

He may have compared me to a sloth, but he said I was beautiful......... and he called me his girl.... I wanted to squeal, but I didn't want to freak Ronnie out or let on that I was insanely fangirling right now.

When we got to the show, fans had already started lining up, wanting to get the perfect front row spots to stand and scream at their idols.

I expected to be dropped off with the security guards, like last time, but I didn't. Ronnie just kept carrying me, all the way to his dressing room.

"Ronnie, you can put me down now, I know you're strong but I weigh a ton" I said, and Ronnie scoffed and looked at me in disagreement. "Ry, you're light as fuck. You hardly weigh a thing" he said, and I shook my head.

It was nice of him to say, but I knew it wasn't true. I was way too heavy, I weighed the same as a baby elephant, maybe more, hell I could give the planet a run for it's money on weight and mass. I was-I was-I was....!

"Ry, babe, come on, listen to me, look at me" he said, and I brought my eyes up to meet his. "You are light as a feather, and beautiful, and funny, and wonderful" he said, and then he took a finger to my chin and moved my head to where it looked like I was nodding. I couldn't help but crack a smile when he started saying "Oh thank you Ronnie, you're amazing too, I love you so much you sexy piece of shit" in a high, strained voice.

"There it is, there's that beautiful smile of yours" he said, and pecked my lips softly. I twisted my body to face him and shifted my legs to where I had them wrapped around him, and I held his face, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss.

I bit his lip and he exhaled and pressed my back against the wall. I gripped his hair and tugged on it, twisting my face to better meld with him.

"Hey guy's-oh shit! Would you stop making out, the show starts in twenty minutes!" someone yelled, and we pulled away. I blushed and stepped to the ground, following a security guard to the front of the stage while Ronnie was pulled off to get ready for the show.

I slid off the stage and stood in front of it, standing well away from the barrier, trying to avoid being within reaching distance of the fans who had packed the makeshift stadium.

Their conversations drifted to my ears from where I was standing, and I couldn't help but turn red when I heard what they were saying.

"Hey, did you hear that? I swear I heard something about fucking!"

"No, I never heard fucking!"

"I think they said making out!"

"Do you think Ronnie and Ryan were making out? Oh god I hope so!"

"No way, it was probably that slut Ryker!"

"No, she's not hot enough, Ronnie would never make out with her!"

My stomach dropped. It was true, I wasn't hot. I was ugly. Disgusting. Hideous. Repulsive.

"No way! She's gorgeous! You just don't like her because shes with Ronnie, you always hate his girlfriends because you don't want competition, you want him all to yourself!"

"Even so, I don't like them together! They're not good, they don't mesh! Shes bad for him!"

"And how is that?"

"Well, think about it. She met him half a year ago. And what's happened since then? Nothing but bad stuff!"

"That's true, but you think it's her fault?"

"Well it's pretty suspicious that Ronnie started getting hurt and stuff and the paparazzi started getting back involved in him right after she started working for him..."

"True, and he did almost get shot, and hit by a car..."

"Exactly! She's bad for him, and if she really loved him she'd just leave him the fuck alone!"

At this point I started hyperventilating, and I pulled myself back up to the stage, running off to the back and finding a room labeled Closet.

I locked myself inside and shrunk into the corner, starting to cry.

They were right, they were right! I-I was bad. I was bad for Ronnie. I should leave him, he's not good with me! He'll be happier, better off, without me!

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