16. The Park Part 1

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****sorry guys I know I'm horrible, oops XD all in good time, okay? ****

Ronnie led me over to the chairs and sat down, pulling me into his lap. I was shaking badly, breathing erratically and my heart was pounding so much it felt like I was having a heart attack.

I watched Hotchner and Morgan furiously talking to lady, waving their hands around. I could only imagine the conversation.

How could this have happened? I spent 2 hours in a private office, spilling all of the truth I had kept inside for 4 and a half years, finally telling someone. And what, just so they could fucking let Him out? They might as well have just killed me themselves!

The woman walked up to me slowly and crossed her arms, looking down at me. "Im sorry, but John has been released for insufficient evidence. We can't hold someone here without charging them, and a faulty arrest does not count as a charge" she said to me, her voice filled with contempt and judgment. I stood up furiously and lost it.

"Excuse me, Ma-DUMB, but how the hell did you ever get a job as a supervisor for the FBI? You're a fucking ingrate! Let me tell you, the charge is anything but faulty, I already explained all this to your little secretary, HE CONSTANTLY BEAT AND RAPED ME, TRIED TO KILL RONNIE, KIDNAPPED ME, AND TRIED TO KILL ME. WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED TO CHARGE HIM? DO I NEED TO EXPLAIN IT IN EASIER TERMS SO YOU UNDERSTAND? JOHN, HE IS BAD , HE DOES BAD THINGS, HE DOES NO NO NO'S!" I yelled in her face, shaking in fear and anger.

"So you can take that prude facial expression and shove it up your ass! The only faulty thing about this situation is you and your shit judgment, you fucking wanker!" I screamed at her and then I ran out of the building, tears pouring out of my eyes.

No one believes me. The FBI gets evidence of Him in the pit where He locked me up, and still it isn't enough? Why else would He have been in the pit if He wasn't the one who hurt me and kept me there? What, oh maybe He was just taking a nice stroll in the middle of the deep forest, just looking around and thought hey, why don't I lock myself in a giant ditch in the ground? Fucking stupid.

There was fucking dirt under my fingernails that matched the samples Spencer got! I have the bruises and cuts, specific cuts that were cut using a certain type of blade, the very type of blade on the switchblade that Morgan found in His pocket! And I testified that He did this to me!

What more did they need? A video of Him beating me, or did they want to see it happen themselves before their very eyes so that they could make sure it was completely legit?!! Would that be sufficient enough for them? Assholes!

I ran blindly, and somehow managed to end up in a park. What the hell was I going to do now? No one believed me. They never did, and what, they never would?

I feel like at this point He could come to this park and shoot me dead, and that wanker bitch could be standing right there watching, and when it was done she would just let Him go on His way and say "there wasn't sufficient evidence". Like I shot the gun myself, not Him. Or there was no gun at all, and He was never there, I just mysteriously died for no reason.

It was because of who He was, wasn't it? Because of His power, His authority, His atmosphere, His charm. It was because of who He was. He could get away with it because He was fucking John Hastings. Nearly famous. Admired by many. And a fucking wanker, but nobody could see that.

I sat down, huddled against a slide, and started to rock back and forth, fighting back the memories. "No, no no no no no, please no" I said, scrunching my face up so tight it hurt. Tears snuck out of the creases of my eyelids and slipped down my face.

When would it end for me? Just when I thought maybe I'd be okay, they go and let Him free. That look, that smirk, that glare He sent me, I knew what it meant. He would find me, and He would hurt me. There was no use running, no use hiding, He would find me. He always found me.

He won this time, He won every time before this, and He will win every time this happens in the future. He always wins, and He always will win.

Because no one believes me. Everyone takes His side. He's too charming, too convincing. Nobody sees past his pretty little facade, sees past his mask.

People gave me weird looks but I kept shaking and rocking, muttering to myself against that slide. I didn't want this to be true, why couldn't this be a dream? Why couldn't He just leave me alone?

Ronnie came up to me and sat down next to me. He didn't touch me, just sat close enough to where I could feel his presence. It calmed me during the flashback. And when the flashback was over, I turned to him and threw my arms around him. I buried my face in his shoulder, inhaling his scent and trying to let his touch, his presence, chase away the fear. I was with Ronnie. I was safe with Ronnie.

But Ronnie still wasn't safe with me.

I gripped his shirt in my fists, holding them tightly and shaking softly. Ronnie wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head softly.

Then I heard the click, like the sound of a gun being cocked.

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