87. Dangers

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**** So this story will be ending soon, I'm not sure exactly how many chapters left, but it'll probably be around 100 total chapters. I'm not sure yet though. But there will be a 3rd book :) you'll never be free of mwahaha

I know this book is hard to read sometimes, but it's slowly getting better, see? Ryker's slowly learning to stand up for herself in her head, and she's fighting the voice now, even if she is still doing lots and lots of drugs. ****


I was in the dressing room, getting my costume on when a loud bang resonated through the room as the door was swung open.


I didn't move, nobody did; we sat frozen in place, waiting until he got whatever he wanted.

I was slightly scared of him; I don't know if it's because he gave me bad vibes, or if it was just that I was scared of all men now besides my friends.

Friends? Not anymore. I lost everyone.

Ronnie hates me...

Don't remind me, I don't have time to take more heroin before I go on.

I figured he was here for Glimmer, so I was surprised when something was hung in front of my face. I moved my eyes up from my lap and saw a brown, blue and green outfit, beaded strips of fabrics jangling down. Every slight movement and the beads and bells jingled.

My new outfit?

I saw him standing behind me in the mirror. I didn't raise my eyes higher than the outfit. Slowly, I reached up and took it from him, looking at it curiously.

I was going to start putting it on, but he was still standing behind me, staring.

What does he want from me?

"Thank you" I said, finally looking up into his eyes through the mirror. Was that what he wanted, a thanks?

But he just nodded, still not leaving.

What does he want damnit?

"Lets see how it looks then" he said, raising an eyebrow at me.

I shifted in my seat awkwardly, giving him a look.

He rolled his eyes and took a step back, looking harder into my eyes one last time before leaving the dressing room.

"Oh honey, how you still so shy? I've seen you move, if you can dance like that then why you can't be naked in front of Diablo?" Sweetcheeks McGee asked, laughing at me and patting my shoulder.

I shrugged and started pulling my clothes off. I shied away from the mirror and carefully pulled on my new costume.

When I had it on, I looked into the mirror. It looked like a mix of Native American wear and gypsy nomad wear, only way way sexier than I'm sure it was in real life.

It hardly covered me! It was even worse than the cop costume.

I saw Diablo peek his head in and stare at me, and I crossed my arms and turned away, self-conscious.

He did this on purpose, I'm sure.

But he had Glimmer, gorgeous Glimmer, so why did he care about seeing me scantily clad?

Don't question him. Just be glad he hasn't made you get naked in front of him!

For now, at least......

Oh please, like he wants to see you naked anyways. You're disgusting.

We think so, but all those men outside don't think so.

Tragic Magic (Ronnie Radke Love Story) [Book 2-sequel to The Drug In Me]Where stories live. Discover now