72. Melons and Buns

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****ok I'm really proud of myself for the title of the last chapter, and just the last 2 chapters in whole XD

You seem to like it, and if you don't then I'm sorry!

Will Cockblock Derek strike again, or has he used up his powers? Maybe Derek will forever be a cockblock, and maybe one day his powers will disappear........ Guess you'll find out XD ****

I got dressed eventually and made my way to the bathroom, washing up before going downstairs. When I looked in the mirror I noticed something on my neck.

A hickey.

A fucking hickey. Ronnie gave me a fucking hickey! I touched it softly, wincing slightly. It was like a bruised bite..... but I kind of like it....I wonder if I gave Ronnie any hickeys.....!

Stop, calm down, breathe. Stop Ryker, stop. Nope, you're good, you're cool, you're not fantasizing about riding-. Nope. A whole lot of nope.

I didn't really want to go downstairs.

I couldn't hold it against Derek, but really, two fucking days it a row?!! Seems suspicious to me....

I sat on the railing and tried to slide down the stairs, forgetting that it turned abruptly, and I fell off and rolled into the wall.

There was a loud thud and I yelled "I'm fine!" so no one would come looking and see me rubbing my head, my embarrassed face, and know what I had done.

Stupid railing.

Stupid Derek.

Stupid pancake fucking mix.

I made my way to the kitchen slowly, swinging my hair to lay on my shoulders and hopefully cover the hickey. If Luna saw it she'd have a ball and never let me live it down.

When I got to the kitchen, I sat on a chair and rested my elbows on the table, watching Derek and Ronnie flipping pancakes.

Fucking pancakes.

I scowled at the pancakes as Ronnie put the plate in front of me. Damn pancakes. I hate you...

Ok, maybe I'm being a little too dramatic about this....

I cut the pancakes in halves, then fourths, then sixths, just cutting them into smaller and smaller portions.

Ha, that's what you get for ruining my moment you motherfucking cockblocking pancakes.

I shoved bits into my mouth, tossing Charlie little bites when no one was looking.

There was the sound of stomping, and soon Max and Luna were running in. "Ha, beat you!" Luna yelled as she jumped in front of Max and came into the kitchen. Did they race to the kitchen, really? These guys, I swear they're like little kids, and then they start making out and remind me that they're grown adults, they just don't always act like it. I loved them though.

"Oooh! Pancakes! You're the best Ronnie-poo" Luna cooed, pinching Ronnie's cheek and piling a plate with pancakes.

"Hey! Thats not the name you were saying last night when-!" Max started saying, then gulped and looked at Ronnie.

"Do I have to throw someone across a parking lot?" Ronnie asked, taking a step towards Max.

"Well, technically we didn't have sex... sex...." Max said, and Ronnie lunged at him.

Echo came in then with Andy, and she looked worried, but relaxed as she saw Ronnie put Max in a headlock and ruffle his hair affectionately. They were just joking around.

"Oh, pancakes!" Echo's voice said, louder than usual. She clapped and grabbed a few, starting to eat them before she even sat down.

I was still scowling at the pancakes, and I swiftly dropped the plate sideways so that the rest of the pancake would fall to the floor.

I rubbed Charlie's head as he promptly scarfed them up, his jaws smacking noisily. Oops, there goes being sneaky about it...

"Yeah, I was going to get a nice set of melons this morning but Derek wanted pancakes" Ronnie said causally, and I blushed immensely, looking around in embarrassment. But nobody caught on to what he meant, and they just kept eating, unsuspecting.

Ronnie turned around and sent me a discreet wink, smirking secretively. I looked down at my plate in embarrassment and slid my plate away from me.

Ronnie sat down across from me and for the first time I got a good look at him. He had his hair pulled back in 2 pigtails, god knows why, and there were 3 love-bites going down his neck. He was just asking for someone to comment on them!

I reddened as Max jumped at the opportunity, telling Ronnie that his neck was exceptionally tan today.

And of course, Luna just right out said it. "Hey, someone had fun last night, or was it this morning?" she smirked, winking at me. And of course, everyone turned to me. It's not like it would be anyone else here.....fuck.

"Hey, just showing off my girls art work, no shame man" Ronnie smirked, shrugging.

Everyone was still looking at me, and the room had gone silent.

I blushed and looked down, twiddling my fingers awkwardly, embarrassed and also slightly into the idea of Ronnie proudly showing off my work...

Echo piped up then, saying "hey leave the girl alone, you've all done worse. Just eat your pancakes before I steal them."

"Hell no, ain't no bitch stealing my pancakes" Luna said and shoved a pancake in her mouth, looking at Echo defiantly, a smirk playing at her lips, her cheeks puffing out.

I laughed silently and got up, kneeling on the floor playing around with Charlie. I crouched down and shook my butt in the air, pretending to wag my non-existent tail and swung my arm out towards Charlie in mock fighting.

"So, did you plan on getting some buns too, or just the melons?" Andy whispered quietly to Ronnie, finally catching on to what Ronnie had said earlier.

I blushed and sat down, keeping my butt glued to the floor. Ronnie just laughed, and I glared at him. How was he just fine with everyone talking about it? It's my butt, and mine only! No one can talk about it, it's mine only! Well.....maybe Ronnie doesn't count.....

But goddamnit woman, calm yourself!

After a while they stopped teasing me, and I relaxed back into casual talk, no more blushing or embarrassment.

They talked for a while, and then one by one, everyone left.

Until it was me and Ronnie.


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