100. The End

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**** Ahh you guys, this is the last chapter! After this, this book is done, over, bai felicia, ahhh. I think the reason I've had this open for an hour already with nothing written, is because I don't want the book to be over. I know there's a third book so it's not like its the end end, but still. A part of my heart and soul is in every chapter, I don't feel ready to say goodbye blargh. But you guys deserve to know the ending, so here I go. I'm just gonna be crying, maybe my tears will write the chapter for me XD whichever letter gets the most wet is the one I use XD

okay okay, sorry, I'm writing, I'm writing, here we go ****

I grabbed Leah's hand for comfort as we walked down, and she gave me a supportive smile. Looking up at me, a smile on her face, for once, a real smile, it made me want to melt.

It was strange, she looks like she's already happier, being free, being away from Diablo. But me? I felt horrible, my stomach was churning, my throat was burning, it felt like bile was rising up my throat, my eyes stung from holding back tears, and my head was pounding.

Diablo knew Him. He knew Diablo. Fuck, for how long? Was this all a trap? Was this meant to happen, did He expect this from me? How else would I have ended up, of all places, at a night club working for a man who knew Him? I had stopped believing in coincidences a long time ago, and this was no exception.....

This all felt like a bad dream, like I was going to wake up again, wrapped in Ronnie's arms, sleeping peacefully, not standing here wanting drugs, scared to death, about to walk into unknown territory that used to feel like home to me.

I was trying to make sense of all this all while trying to keep calm and not give away that I was having a breakdown to the others. One wrong step and I would be bombarded with questions and it would be the last straw and I would fall to the ground, a sobbing, heaving mess.

Ashley got on his motorcycle, waving to us before kicking off and gunning it, leaving us with nothing but tire tracks and a trail of exhaust giving us any indication that he had been there at all. I looked out after him, trying to imagine what it would feel like to ride a motorcycle, the wind slapping at your face, the world passing by as you traveled so fast it felt like you were flying, traveling at the speed of light. It seemed like heaven to me. It must feel like nothing could catch you....

Andy led us to a car and as soon as he opened the drivers door, the passenger door flew open and I was thrown backwards from a forceful hug.

I used my spare hand to hug them back, pulling them closer to me while they buried their head in my shoulder, soft crying sounds drifting up to my ear.

"I'm sorry Echo...." I said softly, looking at a confused, slightly jealous-looking Leah. When she heard the name Echo, she nodded, understanding who the girl was. I had told her about Echo and Luna, more than I told her about anything else. And even speaking about them was hard, I always choked up, knowing, thinking I would never see them again.

And hell, here I was, hugging Echo. And I would probably see Luna soon, as soon as she heard I was here, nothing could stop her from coming here to chew me out and tell me just how stupid and horrid I was for leaving them without a goodbye. But she would hug me and rub her eyes and I would know that she was only acting so mad because she was worried to death about me. Hell, maybe she missed me, was thinking of me right now.

Echo shook her head and pulled away, trying to muster an angry look on her face, but her nose was scrunched up and her eyes were wet, so it looked more like she was in pain than anything else.

"You-you-you motherfucker! You left without even saying goodbye, no notice at all! I thought-I thought you were dead or something!" she said. It was nearly impossible not to find her attempts at anger, her face scrunching up while she tried to find the most appropriate thing to call me, hesitant to swear. I hadn't heard her speak so loud ever before, and I couldn't help but laugh a bit, pulling her in for another hug.

Tragic Magic (Ronnie Radke Love Story) [Book 2-sequel to The Drug In Me]Where stories live. Discover now