92. Protective

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**** I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday, so Im going to try to update twice today to make up for it, okay?

Picture (if it shows up) is an example of what Ryker looks like without her piercings (red hair, pale, et cetera) and yet another possible costume for her ****

It was about half way through the night, and so far Nikki was good, no sign of trouble anywhere.

Of course, that was just too good to continue. It was only a matter of time. It was my turn to serve drinks, and to my relief, I saw Nikki heading towards the bar too.

We met up at the bar and I showed her the best way to balance the trays so that they wouldn't fall. Then I slowly walked away from her, serving the drinks, peeking over my shoulder to check on her every minute or so.

I had a bad feeling in my gut; I felt like something was going to go wrong.

We just passed each other once and the bad feeling only grew, leaving only when I saw a drunk man fall into Nikki, and hear the crash of glass as the tray fell to the ground.

I rushed to kneel with Nikki and pushed my tray at her. "Take it and stand up" I whispered to her, staring at her seriously. She shook her head but I whispered "now!"

But it was too late. I had gotten all the glass on the tray, but Diablo had already managed to get over to us.

"What the fuck! Nikki, you clumsy dyke!" Diablo whispered furiously as we both stood up.

Nikki started to speak but I stepped in front of her protectively and spoke before she could get a word out. "Somebody bumped into me, I'm sorry, it slipped out of my hands" I said to him, ducking my head a bit, but still staring up at him.

I wouldn't be defiant, but I wouldn't be a stationary target, I wouldn't just let him push me around, not anymore.

I was done letting people kick me around like I was nothing. I wouldn't let it happen anymore. And I definitely wouldn't let it happen to Nikki.

"Of course, I should've known it was you" he glared at me before turning to Nikki and smiling.

I didn't like his eyes when he looked at her. He made me sick.

He held his hand out for her and she hesitantly took his hand, letting him pull her away from me and moving his hand to her back, quickly letting it trail down to her butt.

I felt my whole body burn, lighting up in angry flames. I quickly grabbed her hand and jerked her away from him, pulling her under my arm.

"She got glass in her hands, I should clean her up" I said, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Well, why you?" He asked, crossing his arms and challenging me.

If I was smart I would back down, but that would mean letting him touch Nikki like that and I wasn't about to let that happen.

"Because I got cut too. And besides, your friends are calling you" I said, putting my free hand on my hip and looking beyond Diablo to see his table guests waving him back.

He huffed and walked away without another word, and I quickly pulled Nikki to the dressing room, pulling her up the stairs to my shared apartment and bringing her to the bathroom. I set her on the toilet and kneeled in front of her, taking her hands in mine.

I didn't say anything at first, I just turned her hands over and began wiping them down to get rid of any glass powder.

I looked at her face then, reading her expression. She looked angry, surprised, and scared.

"Hey, tell me about yourself" I said, trying to distract her from everything as I started to pull the glass shards from her skin.

"Nothing to tell really. I'm a short 18 year old girl that works at a strip club with a sleezy-ass boss" she said, shrugging.

I nodded. I get it, I have to earn it before she'll tell me her story.

"And I'm a 20 year old making all the wrong choices. Maybe you should stay away from me, I might infect you with my bad decisions" I said, joking near the end, trying to get the fear and anger from her face.

"I don't think you would do anything but help me" she said, and I looked up to see her staring at me.

"And why do you need help?" I asked her, cocking my eyebrow.

"Well, considering that I'm here......" She said, shrugging, and I nodded.

"Got it" I said, sighing.

"Well, you're good. I can wrap your hands up if you want, but you should be fine" I said, and she nodded. I stood up and washed my hands.

"Nice tattoos" she said, and I nodded, drying my hands off.

"Thanks. Yours are cool. Tell me about them?" I asked, leaning against the sink.

The night was almost over, and I didn't want to go back out there and risk Diablo getting his grimy hands on Nikki, so I asked her to stay here with me.

I'm sure Annie wouldn't mind.

I stared at her anchor, the words sink or swim written by it on her left ribs.

"Well, the anchor, then I've got an Indian tribal elephant here" she said, pointing right under her boobs in the center where the elephant was, it's ears flared out, outlining her boobs.

"And I like Disney so" she moved her hair to show the little Mickey Mouse behind her right ear, "and this" she turned around, pulling her long black hair above her head so I could see the Disney castle on her shoulder blades, 'the place where dreams come true' written above it. "And then I have this" she said, raising her right arm and turning it slowly to show 'Stand up and celebrate your life' wrapped around her bicep.

"Very cool" I said, laying back against the sink and smiling softly at her.

"Can you tell me about all of yours?" she asked, and I nodded.

I pulled my straps away from my shoulders and pulled my bra down. "If you can't soar with the eagles, then don't fly with the flock" she whispered, reading it and staring at my eagle. I couldn't show her the full eagle because I had to be topless for her to see.

The wings spread out to my shoulders, the eagles head showing from above my boobs. The eagles body was between my boobs, it's tail feathers reaching just below to my ribs, spreading out and curving along my under-boobs.

Then I slowly turned so she could see the dragon wrapped around my waist, it's tail and head on my stomach, it's body wrapped around to my back.

I had my back to her, so I pulled my short hair up so she could see the star tattooed on the back of my neck.

I was still showing her my other tattoos when Annie walked in.

"Oh hey, you're the new girl" Annie said, smiling warmly at Nikki.

Nikki drew back a little, hiding slightly behind me, and I looked at Annie apologetically.

"She's a little shy. I was going to ask if she could stay with us for a bit?" I asked, and Annie nodded.

I smiled and took Nikki's hand, leading her to my bed, aka the couch.

"Stay here. I'll get your stuff" I said, knowing she wouldn't want to come down.

When I got back I saw her curled up asleep.

I smiled and pulled the blanket over her, laying her bag on the couch arm, stretching out on the floor in front of the couch.

Her hand was hanging off the couch to the floor. I smiled once more at her, taking her hand in mine before closing my own eyes and sleeping.

Tragic Magic (Ronnie Radke Love Story) [Book 2-sequel to The Drug In Me]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora