Chapter 28: Re:BorN - Rescue Asia! Punish Diodora! Part 1

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Rating Game Arena

Originally, the Gremory Peerage was supposed to be at the proper arena where they fight Diodora and his peerage... but only ended up in a spacious place... Ruins dotted the harsh, earthen landscape. Every so often, there would be a half-broken pillar or a small, unbroken piece of building on the landscape. Harsh winds blew through the half-ruined temple they were in.

These architectures resemble temples that were from Greek mythology. Only, they were now a shell of their former glory. Distantly, the teams could see another temple, similar to theirs. It had parts of its pillars broken, but it was still standing.

Issei took a few more minutes to take a look around him, before he smashed his fists together, making a dull thud, feeling pumped. He promised his bro that he would punch Diodora in the face.

Issei: Buchou, what are the rules...?

Issei turned around to face Rias, but he blinked the next moment when he saw the frowning face of his Master.

Issei: ...Buchou?

Rias: This is strange...

Rias muttered, her eyes darting about, feeling suspicious of this situation.

Rias: There's no announcement from the referee...

She's right, there's not a single announcement from the referee. Issei has a feeling that something is definitely off. Quietly, he summoned his Longinus. At the same time, he heard his friends prepare themselves, Kiba and Xenovia drawing their blades, while Koneko armed with Gilgamesh she received from Rosso.

At that moment, a single magic circle appeared before them. But instead of appearing on the ground, it floated in the air.

Asia: A magic circle?

Immediately, the bad omen Issei felt intensified. Something definitely feels wrong...

Kiba: It's not the crest of Astaroth...

Issei's blood ran cold the moment he heard Kiba while the Knight took a stance with his sword. Akeno then says it while conjuring electricity in her palm.

Akeno: .......None of the magic circles are similar. Except...

Suddenly, more magic circles began to pop up in the sky. Their numbers grew to such proportions, Issei did not bother to count them anymore. At the veryleast, they numbered in the hundreds. Those that appeared before them are devils, except they bore armor and demon helmets. It came to Rias' attention as she knew who those devils are...

Rias: They're devils loyal to the Khaos Brigade's Old Satan Faction.

Xenovia: So they're terrorists?

That scared Issei's wits upon hearing his master's conclusion. The Khaos Brigade is here, intruding on the Youth Rating Game Tournament.

Devil A: The despicable fate Satan family, Gremory. We shall eliminate you here!

Issei: What the hell's going on!?

Asia: Kyah!

A loud scream caught the ORC's attention as they turned around, they saw her being carried by Diodora, who made a menacing smug face!

Diodora: Hello, Rias Gremory. And Red Dragon Emperor. I will take Asia Argento with me.Rias: Diodora, what is the meaning of this?!

Rias clenched her fist, eyes narrowing in anger.

Diodora: You can't tell? And here I thought you would have been smart enough to catch on. All of you will die here by the Khaos Brigade, right here, right now.

The Demon Knight of the Round Table [Devil May Cry x High School DxD]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon