Chapter 29: Re:BorN - Rescue Asia! Punish Diodora! Part 2

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Back to where we left off!

In the Second Stage of the Temple

Just as Xenovia was about to deal the finishing blow, the hood that was covering one of them fell off, revealing long platinum-blonde hair with beautiful green eyes.

Just as Xenovia was about to deal the finishing blow, the hood that was covering one of them fell off, revealing long platinum-blonde hair with beautiful green eyes

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Xenovia: *thought* Celeste...?


???: Ufgh.

The platinum-blonde-haired girl let out a gasp of air before she fainted, impacting the floor so hard, it created cracks all around her. Similarly, the Rook next to her was forced deep into the ground, knocked out cold.

A few minutes later...

Cautiously, Rosso placed a few fingers with practiced ease on the tied-up girl. When she felt the pulse, Rosso nodded at Xenovia and she breathed a sigh of relief. Xenovia could not stop her blade from hitting the Rook, but she was able to turn the blade just enough it broke a few bones instead. A significant improvement(and since every time she swung her blade full force, it turned her enemies into practical mince meat, that was saying something).

Currently, Diodora's Pawns were wrapped around a pillar, together with the Rook. As for the other one, the one that Xenovia was caring for, was on the ground instead. Moreover, Seele knelt right next to her and heals the Rook's wounds with her healing magic.

Xenovia: *thought* Celeste...

Xenovia lightly brushed the platinum-blonde's head.

Seele: Someone you know, Xenovia?

Seele had noticed Xenovia's change. The Holy Sword Durandal Wielder nodded slowly.

Xenovia: ...yeah. She was a former holy nun and a little sister to me. We were... kindred spirits, in a way. Our faith was very similar: Unrelenting, always believing the words of the Church, yet willing to bend a few rules for the sake of completing an objective.

Seele: Until she went missing... Or worse... Diodora kidnapped her...

Xenovia wordlessly nodded at Seele's guess.

Rosso: A former nun?

Xenovia had a feeling that Rosso along with Jeanne and Rias was frowning behind her.

Jeanne: ...we had a feeling there are controversial rumors around Diodora some weight.

Rias: *nods* Yes, indeed.

Issei: Rumors?

Xenovia would have pushed the issue, but the girl below her stirred, prompting everyone to be on high alert.

Celeste: Urgh...

A girl named Celeste groaned. Her eyes opened slightly, staring at the ceiling. Then, she saw them focus on her.

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