Chapter 41: Re:BorN - The Knight rescues the Queen! Become the Hinokami!!!

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Human World

The chaos ensued in the city of Kuoh Town. Demons are prowling, blind zealots of World Serpents subjugate the victims to their cult. Amidst the chaos, both ORC and the Student Council are trying to assess the damages on the school grounds.

For the ORC that's under Akeno's secondary command...

A group of World Serpent cultists were fighting Rias' Knights - Kiba and Xenovia. None can outmatch the duo's speed, and in Xenovia's case - her strength when using Durandal, knocked out and restrained the cultists. Akeno quickly flew above, summoning her Holy Lightning and hurling at the demons, fried them to ashes. Asia and Gasper serve as supports for the frontlines, Gasper stopping any of the demonic beings from pouncing on his friends as Koneko punches those beasts hard with her bare hands and Senjutsu.

Koneko: Thank you, Gya-kun.

Gasper: No problem! I have to be brave for Rias-buchou and Issei-senpai! I'm taking my first steps!

Asia: Xenovia-san, are there any more prowling on the school grounds?

Xenovia: I believe that's the last of them.

Kiba: Indeed. But how long are Buchou and the others returning with Rosso?

Akeno: I don't know when, but we should have faith they'll return. Let's go see how Vergil-san is doing!

Gasper: Fuweeeh... Though he's not our enemy, he's still scary...

Koneko: Suck it up, Gya-kun.

The ORC members left the school grounds and went to the suburban areas where Vergil was. They saw six World Serpent zealots firing their machine guns at Vergil, who acrobatically leaped over before hurling a barrage of Judgment Cut, flawlessly disarming the firearm. He quickly drew his Mirage Edge, performing a quick combo in between his enemies, then hurled the phantom blade at them like a boomerang, decapitating the two.

Only four of them left, the zealots backed away in fear as Vergil slowly walked towards the blind followers, with his Mirage Edge to his right and Yamato to his left. Desperate, one of the cults pulled out a longsword and tried to charge Vergil, he blocked the swing with just his Yamato before forcing back and swinging his Mirage Edge at the zealot, reducing his enemy into the void. Two quickly summon the demons which they appear, only for a hail of mirage blades raining down on them, stabbing both two zealots along the summoned demons to death.

With only one left, Vergil quickly teleports and seizes the last World Serpent agent by the throat and lifts him in the air.

World Serpent Zealot: You... you're not only human... but a devil... so why help these pathetic lots?! You should be serving our Savior! Lord Mundus has promised us a new world!!!

Vergil: Pathetic cults... you should've realized Mundus only saw you as disposable pawns.

World Serpent Zealot: Blasphemy! You shall not stain the name of our master! For he will bring new order-


Vergil's interruption was a butt of his Yamato's hilt to the face, knocking out the last zealot before he drops him to the ground and scowls.

Vergil: If that's your last words, then you might as well rot in a cell.

???: Vergil-san!

Vergil saw the ORC members come to him.

Xenovia: Vergil. Have you finished on your end?

Vergil: Hmph. Do you mean those cults? I've already dealt with a majority and they're not worth my time. How are your ends with the demons?

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