Chapter 38: Re:BorN - The Queen's Reconciliation and the Knight's Tragic Fall...

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Third Grand Floor

As the battle between the remaining members of the rescue team and the Skull Reaper rages on - Sieg and Jeanne continue dealing damage while defending against its attack at the same time; Nero and Viola deal heavy damage to the beast from below and behind with Griffon launching a powerful lightning attack with the intent on paralyzing the beast; Issei defending himself from the attack and counterattacks his enemy head-on. After one and a half hours, they finally wear that beast down.

Then Sieg traps the Skull Reaper by using the Blue Rose Sword's Release Phase.

Sieg: Release Recollection!!!

Invoking the release phase, everyone else falls back while the Skull Reaper is frozen by the Blue Rose Sword's Release Phase, completely immobilizing the beast.

Nero: Alright! Everyone, give that beast everything we've got!

Everyone: RIGHT!!!

Everyone rushed the Skull Reaper and surrounded it, and all unleashed their respective finishing move, hitting from every direction. First, Jeanne and Sieg unleashed their Vertical Arc Sword Skill; Second, Nero supercharged his revolver with his demonic power, delivering a big bang blast; Third, Viola (who reverted back to her human form) summoned Cheshire to give the centipede a big smackdown; And lastly, as for Issei who's now on the ground...

Ddraig: Boost (x30)! Explosion!!!

Issei: Eat this! Dragon Shot!

On cue, he channels an abundant amount of his demonic power and delivers a huge energy blast, making contact with the weakened and immobilized Skull Reaper, eradicating the beast until the beam dies down... leaving nothing behind. This was it... the Skull Reaper is no more...

Jeanne: We did it... We finally did it...

Viola: *chuckles exhaustingly* Hell yeah! We've beaten the last of the three bosses!

And with that, everyone sits all around the arena, feeling drained and completely exhausted.

Issei: *pant* *pant* Shit. That was one helluva boss we've fought...  *pant* *pant*

Nero:  *pant* *pant* But still... we did it...  *pant* together...

Issei: *chuckles* Preach it, cuz!

Nero: Haha! It's too soon to call me by title just yet.

Griffon: Speak for yourself! All this fight got me so exhausted! I can even feel my stomach grumbling, hungry for ooze and worms!

Jeanne chuckled amusingly at the antics before she noticed Sieg's worrisome expression. She pats his shoulder with assurance.

Jeanne: Sieg... I know you're worrying about them. Let's hope and pray our friends will make it alive...

Though Sieg didn't say anything after glancing at his friend, he did smile and nod at Jeanne in return, believing in her words.

However, their moment of rest was soon to be over when they felt something rumbling from above.

However, their moment of rest was soon to be over when they felt something rumbling from above. This causes everyone to stand back up and cast their gaze at the ceiling. When they did, they heard the rumbling from above became intense, making them cautious.

Nero: What the hell is that?

Sieg: I don't know, but whatever is happening above isn't good.

And soon, Jeanne felt a pulse from the Rebellion she carried with her for the whole time. The Holy Maiden Savior felt a sense of worry and dread.

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