Chapter 34

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We finally got off the plane and everyone got into their separate vehicles only this time Damon and Raven were driving with us to the new home.

Nate got us a house last minute that's big enough for the whole family and every one can branch out once we all find our feet. I'm just glad I don't have to go anywhere near my old life.

I was brought back to reality when raven was struggling to make sky asleep. "Mind if I take her?"

"Sure" she handed the baby over. I held her gently in my arms as she's practically as fragile as glass. "She's so gorgeous" I whispered as my finger traced her cheek in wonder.

"Wow you really are gifted" she smiled as sky closed her eyes.

I looked up to see nate looking at me with sad eyes. I grabbed his hand and traced circles trying my best to comfort him.

In a way I do feel quilty for the way this all went down. I promised him his boy and now I don't even know if I'm ever going to live up to that promise. I'm scared that we may have fucked up gabbi in the process. She's a smart kid and I bet she knows more that what we think she does. I just hope our little family gets more blessings than tragedy.

Damon and Raven have always been my inspiration. They loved each other purely and honestly. I just know they're going to give their child the absolute best life.

"Maddie" Damon snapped his fingers in front of my face.


"We're here" I turned my head to see a fucking castle. Of course nate goes over the top.

"Okay people listen up! I've assigned each pair a wing so find one with your security guard okay?"

"We're not children, Nathaniel" Sophia smacked him upside the head before walking in.

"You okay with holding her a little longer?"

"Yeah it would be my pleasure"

"Thanks" They got their things and went to put in their room.

"You okay there?" Nate smiled at me.

"Yeah, get your daughter before she sleeps the whole day over"

Nate grabbed gabbi from the seat and threw her over his shoulder. "Nathaniel!" I whispered yelled.

"She's fine" he waved me off and carried her into the house and just left me with a sleeping baby. Great.

"Let's get out of here little sky" I carefully got out of the van when Bryce came running out. "Nate sent you?"

"Yup" he guided me into the house since my body wasn't back to its full potential. "Nate really went all out with this one"

"Yeah" Bryce chuckled.

"Thanks for holding her" I handed her back to raven and they went back to their wing.

I sighed as I walked around the house. This feels so familiar yet so weird.

"There's my Queen" I felt Nate's arms wrap around my waist as he turned me around to look at him. I laid my head on his chest as he held me closer. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine" I looked up at him and he pecked my lips. "I love you"

"I love you too"

"Want to eat something?"

"You're going to cook right?"

"Yes" he chuckled and grabbed my hand and leaded me to the kitchen where Jay and jax were eating taco shells.

"I see you two made yourselves comfortable"

"Everyone else is having sex and we decided to make the best decision"

"Eating is the best decision?"

"Yeah" they looked at us like it was obvious.

"What are you two going to do?"

"Nate's going to make food"

"Ouu yay" Jay cheered.

"Not for you"

"Oh c'mon cousin"

"Yeah you made us get up mad early and not even feed us? Bold move"

"Shut up" Nate rolled his eyes and went over to the pantry that was already fully stocked.

"When did you buy this house?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I got a call byeeeee" Jax walked off while Jay was just staring at nate waiting for him to answer.

"Answer the woman!"

"Get lost" nate threw him with a can but he dodged and walked out.

"When did you buy this house?"

"A few months ago"

"So you were just sitting on the fact that you bought this big ass place?"
"Was this your plan all along?"

"You really think this was my plan? Loosing our baby? Almost loosing you? Seeing gabbi so sad that she wouldn't leave your hospital bed? This was never my plan maddie"

"We agreed we wouldn't speak about that"

"Well that's not how you deal with shit"


"I don't understand why you're mad"

"You did this behind my back like some sneaky little shit and you lied and told me you got a quick sale on a house! You had this place for months and it's already stocked with food and  furniture"

"I did it for us! You can lie to yourself but we both know you needed a break from that life you created"

"I never said I didn't"

"Are you trying to pick a fight over literally nothing?" He looked at me bewildered.

I rolled my eyes and walked out. I went up to our wing and checked on gabbi before I headed to our room and ran me a bath. I grabbed my bag and carried it into the bathroom. When my bath was full, I took off my clothes and got into the bath. I closed my eyes and images of Dustin and what happened kept forcing itself into my brain.

I slipped my head underwater and just let my mind wander. I felt a hand reach down and pull me up making me scream and scuffle to the side of the bath only to see nate drenched in water.  "Why the fuck would you scare at me like that?"

"Are you trying to drown yourself?"
"What? No!"

"Then what the fuck are you doing?"

"Having a bath so go make the food"

"Fine, I'll be back in a few and I want you in bed when I come back in here"

"Whatever jackass"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

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