Chapter 51

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"What happened?" I went back to raven who was still standing in shock over the whole thing.

"They were shooting each other and then someone shot nate but it wasn't the twins"

"Why were was he shooting the twins? They seem fine?"

"It was blanks but nates wasn't. I'm scared what if the person shoots one of us or even our kids" Raven started crying and I pulled her into my arms as she sobbed. "I didn't miss this" she cried.

"It's okay, we'll figure this out" I stroked her hair as sobs raked her body.

"How are you so calm?" she pulled away from me.

"I can't get worked up right now"

"Why not?"

"Guys we have a big problem" Sophia came running in. "Oh god, what now?"

"It's your mom, she was coming to the house for some reason but was shot. The Camera showed a guy in a hoodie shoot her point blank"

"What?" first nate now my mom? What's happening right now?

"Why are they trying to kill my family? What's my mom even doing in London?"

"No idea but you should get in contact with your dad and warn him"

"Okay" I ran upstairs and immediately closed the windows. I put on a bulletproof vest. I grabbed my gun and tucked it in my waistband. I called my dad and told him mom died and that he should be careful.

"I guess I'll stay in the states for a little while, please keep your babies and your family safe"

"I will, dad"

"Let me know when your mom's body comes back"

"Okay, I love you"

"I love you too, pumpkin"

I ended the call and turned around to see a teary eyed gabbi standing in the door wrapped in a blanket. "Hey baby"

"Mom there's blood on the stairs"

"Oh, it's ketchup"

"I heard the shots" she whispered.

"Did dad die?"

"No baby, no one is dead"

"Then why are you wearing that?"

"To keep the babies safe"

"Oh. Can we go to dad now?"

"In a little while, let's go downstairs to the basement" she held onto my hand. We walked downstairs and went into the basement. I opened it to see Damon and baby skyler. Damon is trying to make her asleep.

"Sky" gabbi ran over to them.

"What's going on" Damon whispered.

Damon handed sky carefully over to gabbi and she sat down on the couch while singing to baby sky.

"Nate got shot. There's a sniper roaming around outside"

"Let me get up there"

"Fine, get a vest and a gun"

"Okay" he nodded and ran up the stairs.

I checked the room to see if there's anything suspicious but there was nothing. I texted jay to come and keep gabbi company while I go check on nate.

"This feels like don't breathe" jay huffed as he walked in and plopped down next to gabbi. "Look after them okay?"

"Okay" he nodded and I ran back upstairs and straight to the infirmary. "Nate" I ran to him and grabbed his hand. "Hey, you look good" he smirked.

"Is he high?" I turned to the doctor.

"Yeah, I took out the bullet and patched him so he's going to be a high for a little while "


"I'll give you a minute alone with him"

"Thanks" doc walked out and i looked at nate who was laying on the table. "More" I traced his cheek with my finger. "We need to kill that son of a bitch" he opened his eyes again. I took a step back since I wasn't expecting his eyes to be that red.

"You need to rest" i kissed his forehead.

"No rest, I need to find that fucker" nate tried to stand up but I stopped him. "Don't"


"Nate, you can't just put yourself in more danger. You have kids to think about. Gabbi is already scared. Im not raising our kids alone. Do you hear me Nathaniel Anderson?"

"I hear you. Can I at least go and lay in our bed?"

"Let me get the doctor and a gaurd"


I walked out and called the doctor over and one of the guards. "Nate wants to go back to our bedroom and I want a gaurd watching the door and making sure he doesn't leave"

"Yes boss"

"Thanks" I walked back inside to see nate already on his feet ready to leave.

"So stubborn" I shook my head. The guard helped nate to our room while trailed behind them. "Where my kid?" Nate turned to me.


"I want her in our room"

"I'll go get her" I sighed as I went back to the basement. I saw gabbi and Jay watching some telenovela. "Don't listen to him Valentina"

"Your dad is looking for you"

"Bye jay"

"Seriously gabs? You just gonna leave me?" Jay pouted.

"Yeah" She smiled before running past me. "Right, who need to kill?"

"Am I the don?"

"No but he's injured so your up sis" he got up from the couch and came over to me. "We need to smoke this mole out"

"Let's look for wires in the office" he grabbed my hand and took us to nates office. Jay and I started searching the office for any wires. "Fuck" Jay groaned. I looked over to see him holding his hand in pain. "What happened?"

"Got shocked" he grumbled. I went over to him and bent down to see a tiny red wire poking out the carpet. Well hidden

I was about to rip the wire out when jay pulled me back. "Maddie" he put his finger to his mouth indicating for me to shut up.

He went over to the laptop and started playing a random song. "Speak"

"We don't need to alert the mole that we're onto them"

"I think they know already" I rolled my eyes.

"Your no fun, where's my brother"

"Just talk already"

"Fine, we say that we have some top secret info and we're dropping it off at some inclosed place and boom we catch the mole"

"You are such a mystery to me" I looked at the good making him grin back at me.

"Let's go tell nate" he stopped the music and ran us to the room.

"I have a plan" jay burst into the room. Nate was laying in bed while gabbi fed him gummies. "Really now?"

"Jay" I indicated to the wire and he nodded and started looking in the room. "We have a plan to catch the mole" I whispered in nates ear.

"Tell damon to take raven and the children somewhere safe" he said and I nodded and took gabbi.

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