Chapter 55

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"So do we kill him or what?" All of us were sitting in the kitchen as nate and his mom discussed what they're going to do.

"Yes" sophia spoke up.

"I agree with Sophia, he's not going to stop until he gets what he wants even if that means killing one of us" Nate agreed.

"Fine" their mom sighed before picking up her bag and leaving.

"Do we still leave if we're getting rid of the problem?" Jay asked.

"Yes, he still has people out there and once they know we killed him they're going to fire back"

"Fuck" I groaned before walking out and going up to my bedroom.
I ran to the bathroom and started throwing up. Fuck I hate being pregnant.

I hugged the toilet as I threw up more until it was just dry heaves. "Sounds like someone is getting murdered in here, what's going?" Jay walked into the bathroom and kneeled down next to me. He held my hair up as I felt more vomit come up.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, just sick"

"What kind of sick?"

"Pregnant sick" I sighed. I stood up and went to brush my teeth. I turned to watch jay with a big grin on his face. "Nate told us but we're so happy for you"

"Nate told you?"

"Yeah, he let it slip while he was stressing. Why did you keep it a secret?"

"Didn't want to jinx it"

"You don't even have to worry about anything happening to you or the babies this time, we're killing son of bitches who even tries to fuck this miracle up"

"Thanks Jay" I pulled him in for a hug.

"Can I get a hug too?" Sophia walked into the bathroom. "Sure" we held out our arms and welcomed her into our hug.

"Right, I have to pack" jay moved away.

"Fuck, I feel like all we do is pack" I sighed.

"It's only for a few weeks, who knows it might be romantic" Jay winked at me before leaving.

"What did he mean by that?"

"No idea, I'll get the maid to pack our things" Sophia left.

I decided to freshen up and put on comfy clothes for the trip. I felt a little dizzy so I decided to go downstairs and eat something and saw jax eating a bowl of cereal.

"Is nate still in the basement?"

"Yup, getting rid of the body"


"Don't worry about it"

"Whatever then" I rolled my eyes and made myself a sandwich.

"Jax" I heard nate call before jax got up and walked out.

I finished in the kitchen and went back up to my room. As I was climbing up the stairs, the front door opened and gabbi came running in.

"Baby" I went back down the stairs and pulled her into my arms.

"Mom, we had so much at the pool" She gushed.

"Where's Damon?" Raven asked.

"In the office, you okay?"

"Yeah, just need to see my man" She smiled before walking past me with the baby in her arms.

"Where's daddy?"

"He's busy but you should go pack your things cause we're leaving soon"


"It's only for a few weeks" I kissed her forehead making her huff.

"I don't wanna leave"


"I don't wanna go"

"We're going and you get your butt up the stairs and start packing"

"Fine" She stomped up the stairs and slammed her door shut. I sat down on the stairs and blew out a breath. I swear these babies in my stomach think they're in some sort of league.

"What are you doing?" Sophia came down the stairs.

"I had to sit down"

"What happened?"

"Gabbi doesn't want to leave London and these little shits are kicking me" I groaned.

"Gab will get over it once she sees how nice it is"


"Madison" nate walked up to me and pulled me off the stairs.

"You can't sit on the cold"

"I just needed to sit cause your babies are kicking me" I glared at him.

"Let's go get our bags and head to Paris" he kissed my forehead before picking me up and walking up the stairs.

"Get your shit and let's go!" I heard Sophia yell as she walked away.

"Is your dad dead?"


"How do you feel about it?"

"Don't feel like talking about it"

"Nate, you can't keep that inside of you"

"You do it" we entered the room and he sat me down on the bed. He went over to the closet and grabbed our bags. "How do I do it?"

"With Carson, you never wanted to talk about it"

"That's different"

"Trauma is trauma"

"Why are you being mean?"

"Im not being mean. I'm being honest and let me know if you can't handle it"


"I don't wanna talk about him or else I'm going to snap on you and I really don't want to"

"What why?"

"Cause you keep poking and prodding for information"

"I just asked if you were okay, fuck me for caring" I huffed before getting off the bed and walking out.

Stupid fucking nate

I walked down the hall and went over to jax and Jay's room since those two shits always make me feel better.

"I need wine" I whined as I walked into their room and laid down on jax's bed.

"Want me to go get?" Jax asked as he looked up from his suitcase.

"She's pregnant, short stuff" Jay glared at him.

"Oh right, forgot" he shrugged.

"Why are you by us? Nate upset you?"

"I was just trying to help him vent and then he just snapped"

"What did he say?" the twins frowned as they both joined me on the bed.

"Basically he didn't want to talk about it since I dont speak on the Carson topic and telling me he's just being honest and I should let him know if I can handle it"

"Go talk to him" Jax huffed and went back to packing.

"No, he pissed me off" I folded my arms in a huff.

"You guys have some serious issues" Jay rolled his eyes.

"I will be waiting in the car. Bring my suitcases down please?"

"Sure" the twins agreed and I got up and left.

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